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The room was small with thick  white walls and more shelves holding very old leather books

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The room was small with thick white walls and more shelves holding very old leather books. In the middle of the space was a small table and old yellow looking papers scattered on top of it.

❝Whoa!❞ I exclaimed, my eyes wide as I took it all in.

❝What are you doing in here?❞ A familiar voice filled the room.

Stepping out of the shadows revealed Dillon. He jaws his set, paired with fire in his eyes.

I fitched under his gaze. ❝Dillon.❞

He dropped the book that he was holding making a loud smack as it hit the top of the table making me jump a little at the sound. Dillon shredded over to me and grabbed my wrist in his hand, with one quick motion he yanked me out of the room.

❝Hey!❞I  accused, as I pulled my wrist out of his grasp.

He turned to face me.

❝You shouldn't be here Reya.❞ Dillon bickered, his teeth gritted together.

Reya eyes grow into a glare. ❝Well, I am.❞ I argued, crossing my arms in front of mychest.

Dillon pointed down the hall. ❝Go home!❞



New Adult Werewolf Novel

It all began with a dare that completely change my life. I was bitten by a creature that I had only believed to exist in the pages of books or on the screen. 

The strangest things started happening to me, things that I couldn't even begin to explain. Animals suddenly became afraid of me, my appetite underwent a drastic change, and my anger was impossible to control.

Now, I find myself thrust into a world where werewolves are not just a myth. As secrets emerge and hidden truths are uncovered, I am forced to confront a reality I never thought possible. 

To make matters worse, dead bodies are appearing with no trace of who could be responsible, and it feels like I am the only one capable of putting an end to it.

With each step I take, I am shaping my own destiny. As everything around me crumbles, I am filled with uncertainty about the person I will ultimately become. 

Find out what happens in the Crescent Wolf series.

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