Chapter Three

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 JARED was a fair distance away from us, his body submerged deep in the water

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 JARED was a fair distance away from us, his body submerged deep in the water. Derek had called out to him, challenging him to a race. Over Derek's shoulder, I could see Jared swimming towards the edge of the sand. As he emerged from the water, droplets cascaded off his body, glistening in the sunlight. With one swift motion, he lifted his arm and pushed his hair back, revealing the chiseled lines of his muscles. At that moment, I couldn't help but notice how strikingly handsome he looked. He ran over to us, panting slightly from the exertion of his swim. As he pushed Derek aside, he took his place before me and I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my heart.

"Alright, alright, stop hogging her," he pulled me into a tight hug, when he pulled back he smiled at me. "Happy Birthday, Reya!"

 I shook her head at the guys, amused by their antics. "You guys are such dorks."

"I agree," Ella chimed in, before hugging Derek tightly.

To my surprise, not to be outdone by Derek, he swiftly encircled me with his strong arms and hoisted me up into the air. My joyous shrieks filled the beach as my feet playfully scattered

sand particles around us. With a twirl, he spun me around, adding to the exhilarating moment.

"Put me down, Jared!" I said, giggling uncontrollably.

After one more spin, Jared finally put me back onto the ground.

"It's hot as balls out here," Derek chimed in, wiping the sweat off his forehead. The group laughed and made their way towards the water, ready to continue the celebration with me.

Derek pivoted, his bubbling enthusiasm could no longer be contained, propelling him towards the water. Once more, the collective burst into laughter. I shook my head, unable to resist a giggle. He possessed an endearing silliness. Sensing Jared's gaze upon me, I felt a gentle tug on my golden locks, causing goosebumps to ripple across my skin.

"Stop it." I said, swatting him playfully.

He smiled at me. "I can't help it. You're just too beautiful not to."

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