Chapter Twelve

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AS we made our way to Bedford Mall, we were all enjoying the ride when a Taylor Swift song suddenly came on the radio

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AS we made our way to Bedford Mall, we were all enjoying the ride when a Taylor Swift song suddenly came on the radio. Ms. Masterson cranked up the volume, and we all couldn't help but sing along to the catchy tune. The time flew by, and before we knew it, we had arrived at the mall. As we pulled into the parking lot, we were met with a sea of cars. I couldn't even fathom what the inside of the mall looked like with so many people around. It took us what felt like forever to find a parking spot, but just as we finally found one, the skies started to darken, and raindrops began to fall. We quickly got out of the car and rushed inside just as the heavens opened up, and it started to pour. As we made our way through the sliding glass doors of Macy's, we were greeted with a bustling crowd of people. The mall was packed with shoppers, and the energy was palpable. The sound of chatter, music, and the hum of the air conditioning filled the air, as we navigate our way through the crowds, eager to begin our shopping adventure.

"I don't know why I always forget an umbrella when it rains," Mrs. Masterson stated.

As I was lost in my own thoughts, I hardly paid any attention to my surroundings and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Sorry," I quickly apologized, looking up to see who I had collided with. To my surprise, I found myself gazing at the most handsome man I had ever seen. He towered over me, and his strong, muscular build was impossible to miss. His short, black hair looked perfectly groomed, and his eyes were the shade of chocolate with amber flecks that added a unique touch to their beauty. Our eyes met, and we both seemed to be lost in the moment, admiring each other's features. However, my friend Ella interrupted our silent exchange by calling my name and waving me over. I turned to look at her, and when I looked back at the man with the captivating eyes, he had disappeared into the crowd. I struggled as Ella and I linked arms, and we continued to follow Ms. Masterson through Macy.

"Um, who's that cutie, you know him?" Ella asked.

I shake my head. "No."

"Well, whoever he was. He was cute." Ella said.

I shrugged. "I didn't notice."

Ella raised her eyebrow. "No, that is funny. Because you have a little drool right..." She points to my lips. "There."

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