Chapter Ten

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Three Days Later.

I sprinted through the dense forest, my heart racing with fear. The trees seemed to blur as I darted past them, my feet pounding against the earth below. I could hear the sound of my own ragged breathing, my lungs struggling to keep up with the pace of my frantic steps. Tears streamed down my face, blurring my vision and making it difficult to see where I was going. But I couldn't stop. I knew that if I did, he would catch me. The sound of the monster footsteps echoed behind me, each one matching my own frantic pace. It was as if it was right on my heels, its breath hot against the back of my neck. I could feel the weight of the wolf's presence, like a dark cloud looming over me. Desperation fueled me, propelling me to run even faster. My heart pounded in my chest, threatening to burst through my ribcage. I pushed myself harder, trying to find a way out of this nightmare. But in a moment of timed distraction, I made a fatal mistake. I glanced over my shoulder, my eyes widening in horror at what I saw. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and my foot snagged on a fallen branch, obstructing my path. I went head over heel onto the ground with a hard thud, the wind knocked out of me. When I looked up again, the wolf was standing over me, its eyes gleaming with hunger and hatred. The wolf opened its mouth and lunged at me with its sharp teeth, its claws digging into the soft earth below. A piercing scream escaped my lips as I braced myself for the inevitable.

As I opened my eyes, my heart raced beneath my chest like a galloping horse. I felt the coolness of the bandage wrapped tightly around my arm, and my fingers traced the dampness of my hair, plastered to my forehead. It was a relief to be awake, but the remnants of my dream still lingered, taunting me with their vivid images. The unsettling feeling in my gut refused to dissipate, and I let out a deep sigh, knowing that the ordeal was over, at least for now. As soon as I closed my eyes, the nightmare returned like an unwelcome guest. Each time, the wolf was there, chasing me through an ever-changing landscape. It was as if my mind was trying to work through the trauma I had experienced, using the wolf as a symbol of my fear and anxiety. Even though I was safe in my own home, the fear of being attacked by the wolf persisted, and it haunted me even in my dreams. The sound of its howling echoed in my ears, and the sight of its glowing eyes remained etched in my memory. It was as if the wolf had become a part of my reality, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked around every corner. Slowly and carefully, I extricate myself from the warm embrace of the blanket cocoon, my bandaged leg gingerly taking the lead as I swung it over the edge of the bed. Testing my strength, I cautiously placed it on the ground before repeating the process with my other leg. As I stood up, I felt a twinge of pain shoot up my bad leg, but it wasn't as excruciating as it had been in recent days. With a sense of curiosity, I made my way over to the window, peering out into the backyard. The familiar scenery outside was a welcome sight, but my attention was quickly drawn to a sudden movement. Something had darted across my line of sight, too quick for me to identify. Lost in thought, I remained oblivious to my surroundings until a sudden knocking sound jarred me out of my reverie. With a start, I spun around to see Miles entering the room. His gaze flickered over my face, taking in the worry etched on my features as I turned back to the window. As always, he knew me well - I was a worrier, always consumed by my own thoughts, but I hated to burden others with my concerns. Sensing my unease, he approached me, hoping to offer some comfort.

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