Chapter Nine

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WITH trembling hands, I gingerly placed my phone back into my pocket, wincing as the movement sent a shock of agony through my body

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WITH trembling hands, I gingerly placed my phone back into my pocket, wincing as the movement sent a shock of agony through my body. As I clutched my arm tightly, I could feel my heart racing frantically in my chest, the adrenaline finally beginning to wear off. My eyes drifted down to my arm, and I gasped as I took in the sight of four large puncture wounds stretching from my forearm to my elbow. The wounds were deep, deep enough to warrant stitches, and were coated in a grim combination of dirt and blood. The pain was excruciating, and my lips trembled as I fought to contain my sobs. My gaze then shifted to my ankle, the source of my most intense pain. As I did so, a searing sensation shot through my chest, causing me to let out a guttural cry of anguish. My pant leg was torn off, revealing another set of four substantial puncture marks, matching those on my arm. They were now both bloody and bruised, and the sight of them caused my chest to rise and fall rapidly as I began to sob uncontrollably, unable to contain the overwhelming pain and fear.As I sat alone in the dimly lit hallway, my thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of the creaking floorboards. My heart raced as I looked up and saw the outline of another wolf emerging from around the corner. Its eyes, a piercing shade of honey-yellow, glinted in the moonlight as they locked onto my own, filled with fear. The wolf's fur, liver-colored and shimmering in the dim light, gave it an almost mystical appearance as it crept closer and closer. My breath caught in my throat as I gasped, my body instinctively pressing up against the wall in an attempt to shield myself. The tension in the air was palpable as the wolf continued to advance towards me, its movements slow and deliberate as if it were stalking its prey.

"What do you want?" My voice echoed, filled with exhaustion and desperation.

Throughout the night, I had battled relentlessly, pushing my physical capacities to their extremes. Each muscle throbbed with pain, leaving me completely demoralized. I longed for the wolf to swiftly end it all, for I could no longer endure. However, to my astonishment, the wolf halted its stride and settled into a seated position. Perplexed, my brows furrowed in confusion.

Why didn't the wolf attack?

I tilted my head, trying to understand its strange actions. While I contemplated this, a voice echoed my name, seeming to come from every direction. It was a familiar sound, bringing a spark of hope to my tired spirit. My friends, my brother, had arrived. Excitement surged through me, as I moved closer to being rescued from this eternal nightmare.

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