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⋆ twelve ⋆ 

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⋆ twelve ⋆ 

Ned switches the dim light on, revealing all sorts of junk and creepy shelves and tables covered in workbooks and magic-y things.


As Xara immediately heads over to clear a workspace, Ned exploring all the shelf trinkets, Peter hesitantly starts, "Guys, listen. About this whole spell thing..."

"It's no big deal."

Peter looks at MJ in surprise, not having expected that sort of response from the pessimist of the group. "Wait, really?"

"I mean, you tried to brainwash us and nearly broke the universe without even telling us..." The glare Xara sends behind Peter's back is enough for MJ to backtrack a little, "...But you tried to fix things, and now you're fixing this mess too. The government's done worse in the end, anyway."

Peter's quiet for a moment, trying to work out if it's an insult or a compliment, before deciding not to think too much about it. "...Okay... Ned?"

Ned whirls around, Xara's eyes widening as she notices him holding a rather large crossbow. "Oh, dude, I don't care. It's seriously not a big deal." Xara slowly inches towards him, ready to take the crossbow before he ends up trying to figure out how it works, only to catch it in alarm when he drops it and starts heading towards something else. "Oh! A torture rack!"

He twangs one of the strings, the sound reverberating in the wide, empty space monotonously. "That is a pilates machine," MJ comments, a little dubious before she turns around. "And that is..."

"The crypt," Xara leads on, placing the crossbow back on the shelf. All four of them head over to the step between the undercroft and the crypt, the colours changing from an orange-red to a dull blue.

"Okay, so we get the rest of the guys, you zap them, Doctor Magic will send them back, and when we get into our respective colleges, round of stale donuts, my treat."

Ned nods, putting on a deep, dramatic voice. "Let's catch some Multiverse men."

"Or women," Xara adds.

"Hey!" They glance up in surprise at the octopus man, who seems less than happy. "Who the hell are these two?"

Peter squeaks in surprise. "These are our friends. This is MJ, and this is Ned. I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"Doctor Otto Octavius."

Xara's the first one to laugh, immediately slapping her hand over her mouth, only for it to start a chain reaction between all four of them pretty quickly. "Wait, no, seriously, what's your actual name?"


The lizard creature turns its head at Ned's yell, staring at them with its giant, yellow, beady eyes... Xara tears her sight away, a shiver crawling down her spine before she heads away.

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