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⋆ fifteen ⋆ 

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⋆ fifteen ⋆ 

"...But I still don't get how my body moved all by itself when I wasn't doing anything."

The elevator ride up to Happy's floor is awkward for the others, having listened non-stop to Peter's rambling as he explains everything that happened with Doctor Strange to Xara and May, especially when his physical form got detached from his spirit - which was quite possibly one of the coolest things to happen to him.

Xara looks thoughtful for a moment. "Well, when you separate a leg from a spider's body, it'll keep moving. So even though your mind and soul separated, your body was responding to the last order the brain gave it, which was to keep the box away from Strange."

It's quiet, and she glances over at Peter as the lift doors open, only to see his astounded - and slightly disturbed - expression. "How did you know that?"

"I did a bunch of research on spiders after I found out you were Spider-Man."

The apartment immediately starts beeping when May unlocks the door, the woman rushing to put in the code before it stops. They all pile through, Xara at least somewhat relieved that the giant Lizard (whose name is apparently Curt Connors, because he used to be a human) decided to stay in the truck May brought from work.

"I feel kinda bad using Happy's place like this. I know my dad would kill me if I did it to him."

"No, no, no. He'll get over it."

May seems so unfazed about it that Xara can't help but feel a little bad, locking the door after them and saying, "You got accustomed to all this multiverse craziness pretty quickly. Sorry for dragging you into it."

"Don't worry about it, honey. I got pulled into the Spider-Man thing a while ago." May can't help but chuckle, that taking her mind back quite a bit, to the day she caught Peter in his suit in his room. How times have changed.

As Max uses his powers to turn on the TV, Flint sits down on the couch, only for a lot of sand to fall from him, clinging to the fabric. "Oh. Sorry." He hastily attempts to brush it off, to no avail.

Otto - still restricted by the nanotech on his mechanical tentacles - analyses his surroundings. Whereas he thought they'd be showing up at some high-tech lab, all he can see is a regular-looking apartment. Regular, except for the weird robot thing by the table that Norman's already scrutinising. Fancy, yet a tight fit for all of them.

"So this is your plan, Peter? Hmm? No lab, no facilities, just performing miracles in a condominium? What, you're gonna cook up some churros, some frozen burritos in a microwave?"

Norman pokes his head up, attention taken from Dum-E. "I could go for a burrito."

"He's gonna kill us all."

Lily just glances over from where she's leaning against the kitchen counter, waiting respectfully before she goes snooping for food. "Probably. His heart's in the right place, though."

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