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⋆ three ⋆ 

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⋆ three ⋆ 

"You're grinning at your phone again."

"No, I'm not," Xara is quick to say, looking back up at MJ, but with the same grin still on her lips. "Okay, fine, yes."

"Texting Peter?"

"I was just telling him good morning. Isn't it funny I wake up earlier than him now? He used to wake me up with his calls before." MJ scoffs, continuing to push the grocery cart through the aisles as she mutters something about gross couples. "Oh, here!" Xara rushes over to the milk section, putting two cartons in the cart. "I'll grab some of his favourite cereal too."

"Of course you will. Did Peter ask you to do their grocery shopping?"

"No, but I know they needed to do it, and they're struggling to leave the house because of all the reporters outside. Peter even told me not to come over because of them and he didn't want me stuck in something. But I can handle them."

"Speaking of reporters..."

Xara glances up in confusion, only to follow MJ's line of sight to see a few people with cameras and microphones rushing over at the sight of them. She groans. "Ah, shit."

"At Target? Really?"

"Someone took a photo or something probably. It's a good thing it's not Peter here."

MJ's shifted the cart by the time the reporters get here, creating a barrier between the girls and the fully grown adults starting to clamour and grab the attention of other aggravated shoppers.

"Xara Connolly, Michelle Jones-Watson, what do you have to say?" comes shouts from all directions, the flashing lights making Xara wince. She'd forgotten how much she hated being on this end of the camera. "How long did you know Peter Parker was Spider-Man?"

They don't even need to say anything to each other. Immediately the girls put on the act, turning to each other in shock, Xara's eyes going wide with only MJ seeing the humour in them. "Wait, Peter was Spider-Man??"

"What's a Spider-Man?" she asks back monotonously.

"Don't worry about it, the concept wasn't very well thought out."

"Is it a half-spider?"

"Some guy got bit by a spider and wanted to die on that rock. What powers did he have again?"

Xara and MJ turn to the front reporter that asked the initial question expectantly, who seems perplexed at the sudden change in dynamic. He stops, pausing, then shakes his head determinedly. "Irrelevant at the moment. How do you feel knowing your boyfriend and friend is Spider-Man?"

"I'm in shock," comes MJ's dry response. "Really. We could have monetised this."

Xara holds her hand out, starting to list them on her fingers. "Spider-Man popsicles. Spider-Man TV ads. I've even started coming up with a Spider-Man song: 'Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can'. The rest is a work in progress."

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