The off days pt. 3

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Sorry for the third chapter with the same title but I have no idea how to name chapters. I will try to figure out some better name for the next one, I promise.

"Guys?" a voice crackled through the comms. Rex couldn't make out who's speaking. 

"What?" asked Ahsoka. "Any luck finding Obi-Wan or Cody?"

"No, but I did found Skywalker and Senator Amidala." 

"Are you surprised?" asked Fives. 

"Yes," said the voice that Rex realized belonged to Tup. 

"Where'd you leave your eyes?" Fives asked dramatically.

"Guys, I found them." Jesse said.

"What? Tup's eyes?" Fives asked jokingly.

"No, Cody and general Kenobi."

"Cool, what are they doing?" asked Rex.

"You guys should have a look for yourself. Come to training room 3."

The team gathered near the training area, peeking through the open doorway. What they saw was worthwhile. 

Obi-Wan and Cody were dueling with training sabers. Or as Ahsoka would name it, Obi-Wan was beating Cody's ass. Obi-Wan was not at his best in the fight against Cody, but a one-on-one battle with a Jedi was nothing easy. 

"This is useless." Cody was suddenly unarmed and pinned to the wall with Obi-Wan's lightsaber at his neck. 

"You wanted a worthy opponent." Obi-Wan said with a smile and released him. 

"I'm like a shiny with that saber." 

"No, no, you're doing well," Obi-Wan reassured him. "You should've seen Anakin when he held a lightsaber in hand for the first time."

"What did he do?"

"First, he yelled something about being the best fighter in the galaxy so loudly that everyone in the temple could hear. And then he held the ignited lightsaber up to his own face, almost blinding himself." Obi-Wan smiled at the memory. "Now, why don't we continue?" 

 Cody sighed, then did a basic stance with his saber ignited. 

"Move the lightsaber a few centimeters in front of you, like this." Obi-Wan showed him. 

Cody copied his posture. 

"Great. Now move it to your side for better protection."Cody moved his position, but Obi-Wan was still not content. "Let me assist you," he gently took Cody's hand and moved it into the correct position before turning his shoulders slightly. Obi-Wan stepped back and studied Cody with his eyes. "Perfect." 

The clones behind the door looked at each other suspiciously. Fives even made a dramatic "Ohh..." sound that's only found in romantic holo-movies. Ahsoka didn't do anything. She recalled her master doing the same for her when she got her shoto blade.

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