Good luck, general

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Another chapter, yay! I want to thank @-Rebel_Girl- and @RYR_ROYE. They both voted for a lot of my works and left many comments which I really appreciate and it encourages me to keep writing. So... thank you. I hope you keep enjoying my stories.

Cody was engaged in a combat training with Waxer. He grunted as he caught the other clone's arm and twisted him over his shoulder. The clones watching them cheered as Cody threw Waxer down and pinned him to the floor before he had even chance to react.

"Cody won," Boil announced. "Again."

"It was a good fight, Waxer," Cody offered his brother a hand to help him stand. Waxer ignored him and stood by himself. Cody could tell he was getting annoyed by always losing to him and that he probably thought the duels are unfair too. But against popular belief, the commanders weren't any stronger nor better trained in the field of hand to hand combat than their fellow clone troopers. The rough training and bullying of the trainers just left them with consequences. For Cody, it was the way he fought. His fighting was aggressive and brutal. And that was how he always won. "Who is next?"

"I will go," Longshot said and took a fighting stance.

"Chose a weapon," Cody offered. They usually fought with bare hands but there were wooden sticks and training knives too avaible to them too.

"Bare hands."

Just as Cody was about to accept and take a fighting stance, his comlink beeped. He quickly checked who was calling him. "Sorry boys, we will have to continue another time. It's the general," he gave his brothers an apologetic look as he quickly secured his chest plate and wambraces which he removed earlier on place and jogged out of the gym.

"You wanted to talk to me, sir?" Cody entered Obi-Wan's office.

 "Yeah," Obi-Wan ripped his gaze from his data pad. "Sit down?" he gestured to the second chair at his table. There was a cup of black coffee waiting, just how Cody liked it. That surprised Cody. He never really voiced his preferences, meaning his general observed him enough to know. But he wasn't about to complain.

"Thank you, sir."

"Cody, I already told you it's not necessary to call me sir when we are alone. I never wanted to be a military officer. And it makes me sound old. Do I look old?"

Cody was surprised by the question. Why the hell was his general asking him that. He could ask Skywalker. Or Tano, maybe. Or his weird ass fellow Jedi friend, the one who hated clones. Or kriffing high general Yoda, it's not like Cody cared. The point was, he could've asked literally anyone, why was he asking Cody? Cody was trained for a lot of things but helping his general get through his mid-age crisis wasn't one of them.

"Cody?" Obi-Wan interrupted Cody's thoughts.

"Yes, sir?"

"Force, you really think I'm old, don't you?"

There really wasn't a way Cody could avoid answering that highly unprofessional question. So Cody shook his head no.

"Well, in that case, stop calling me 'sir'. Or 'general'. Or 'general, sir'. You get the point."

"Yessir," Cody answered automaticaly. "Sorry, Obi-Wan."

"See? It's not that hard. Anyway, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about."

"I know, s- Obi-Wan. What was it you needed from me?"

"Well, Cody, I couldn't not notice that most of my paperwork just vanished without a trace during the night. I assume that was your work?"

"You assume right."

"You shouldn't have. My paperwork is not your problem and it's far above your payment."

Cody shrugged. "It's not like I get paid. And it is technically my job to look after you and I take that job very seriously."

"I have to thank you for that. What do you say we go for a drink the next time we are on Coruscant?" Obi-Wan offered.

"I- yes, I would like that."

"That's arranged then. And now the less pleasant news," Obi-Wan started.

Cody's world went from perfect back to the war. Of course there was something else. He should've expected that. There is always a but. It's not like his general would just invite him to his office to invite him for a drink. That was too good to be true.

"Some Togruta colonists went missing," Obi-Wan explained and of course this wasn't about inviting Cody for a drink, it had to be about some random Togruta colonists of all things. How were Togruta colonists even Obi-Wan's problem? He had a literal war to fight.

"That's... tragical... indeed," Cody managed to say because what was he even supposed to say to that. 

"Well, me, Anakin and Ahsoka got tasked with investigating it and since it requires only a small group for the investigation, we are taking captain Rex and leaving the rest of our battalions behind. Both the 212th and the 501st are going to have some off days on Coruscant. Under your supervision."

Cody didn't like off days. But he could deal with it, meeting some of his friends that were currently avaible or working himself up in the gym until he wasn't almost passed out. He also didn't have any problem with supervising the 212th on his own. Yes, there ocassionaly was some incident when a whole battalion of soldiers were planetside, allowed acces to alcohol and stuff after weeks or even months. But it was fine, totally fine. But babysitting the whole 501st? That was a situation Cody didn't want to find himself in.

"Is there any problem? Cody?" Obi-Wan asked when Cody wasn't answering.

"Oh, no, not at all. I'm already looking forward for all the fun with the 501st battalion," Cody said through gritted teeth. He was fairly sure Obi-Wan could tell he wasn't happy about it but he didn't comment.

"Alright. I will be leaving you once we land on Coruscant," Obi-Wan said. It was a completely normal sentence. Why did it sound so much like a threath?

It wasn't even a day and they landed on Coruscant. Skywalker was awaiting Obi-Wan because of course he did. Cody couldn't be that lucky and get at least a few minutes before the catastrophe of the 501st battalion arrived.

Cody watched the troopers, all excited to have some leave from the front lines. At least they could enjoy a few days.

"I suppose this is a goodbye until I return," Obi-Wan said. Cody had no idea when he approached him but somehow it happened.

"I guess it is."

Obi-Wan nodded at him before he left.

Cody watched his general leaving and couldn't help himself but shout after him: "Good luck, general!"

I'm aware there is literally no plot in this. As I already said, I will try to improve that. For now, enjoy the fluff before I start killing them off. Skywalker style. Not just the men, but the women and the children too. I really should book a therapy session. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this plotless fluff that wasn't even fluff and as always, any feedback is welcomed. I hope the timeline is timelining, I'm doing my best. Also, if there are any ships you would like to see happening in this, tell me and maybe I will write it. 

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