Cody doesn't like this

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Warning for a little bit (little bit more) swearing.


Cody was totally enjoying the shore leave. There were only few times in his generally shitty life he felt as miserable as he felt in the moment. Aside from Fives casually setting the mess hall on fire, some unknown 501st trooper stealing a speeder and a group of both 501st and 212th randomly passing oun in the corridors because of the amount of alcohol they had consumed, his general did the most Kenobi thing he could do: disappear. And not only him but Skywalker too, and commander Tano. And his baby brother too, of course Cody couldn't be that lucky, but the holonews didn't give a shit about him.

There was a knock on his doors. He rolled his eyes. If it was about Fives again, he was ready to commit a murder just not to have to deal with his osik ever again. "Yes?!"

The doors opened, revealing... "Fox..."

"Yeah... it's me," the trooper in red armor made a few uncertain steps in Cody's direction before he paused at a respectful distance.

"Fox! You kriffing bastard!" Cody crushed his brother in a hug. "I haven't heard of you in ages!"

"I'm sorry, Kote," Fox whispered as he relaxed into the hug.

"I missed you. We all did. The batch reunions weren't fun without your constant complaining."

"I don't complain that much."

Cody chuckled. "Only 99% of the time."

"I don't even have to be here. Do you have any idea how many reports I needed to sign just because of your troops today?"

"Back to your old complaining self, I see," Cody huffed a laugh. "But yeah, I do. They dumped the karking 501st at me."

"I can feel you, vod. Do you have something to drink?"


While Cody didn't keep anything stronger than caff in his room, Fives showed up to be quite a source and Cody almost forgave him for all the osik he has done in the last few days. Almost. He will never forgive him the one where he had to remove him from the karking roof because apparently drunk Fives was a little like a tooka in that matter.

Anyway, he got a drink. And they have a lot to catch up on with his always occupied brother. Fox complained a lot, he was always quite the complainer.

"The chancellor is a kriffing asshole," he said for about the fifth time that evening. He also mentioned how the regulation haircut made him look bald around the temples and that the regulation blankets always failed to cover his feet but that was a permanent toppic since they were little cadets. And Cody would lie if he said he was really annoyed. He loved his brother. And then his commlink rang.

"Fives, I swear, whatever you set on fire this time-" Cody didn't get to finish the threat.

"I hear you are enjoying with the 501st," Wolffe's voice cam through from the commlink.


"Yeah it's me. They will tell you officially later but... I thought I will tell you first."

"What is it?" Cody asked. He was beggining to get worried. Did something happen to his brother? 

"We have your general."


"Yeah, you know, we just happened to be around Kadavo so they sent us for a rescue mission. He is in the medbay right now," Wolffe informed him.

"Is he alright?"

Wolffe hesitated for a moment. "He was captured and forced to work in the Kadavo mines for a while. He was in a pretty bad shape but he's in good hands. He should be out of bacta tank by the time we reach Coruscant."

"Wouldn't be him if he didn't almost die," Cody said. He wished he was joking but at this point, it was just a bitter statement.

"Can't be worse than the chancellor. He is a kriffing asshole," Fox commented from behind.

"You mentioned that about a hundred times in the last five minutes, Fox!"

"Wait... Fox is there?" Wolffe asked.

"Yeah, that's me, vod."

"So you don't have time when I'm planetside but when Cody is there, you come?! I'm offended!"

"I would hang out more often just if the chancellor wasn't such an asshole."

"At least that didn't change. You are still the biggest complainer," Wolffe laughed. "I think I'm needed on the bridge. I will see you soon, Cody, when we hand over your general."

"Sure, see ya, Wolffe," Cody said as he ended the transmission. Yes, his general was in a bacta tank. Yes, he was tasked with supervising the 501st for days. Yes, he was stuck in his room with the biggest complainer in the galaxy. But he was happy. Because his general was alive and also because this was the closest he had to a reunion with his batchmates in a while.


It's a short chapter, I know and once again, there is no plot but I just wanted to write Fox because that man is overhated and he needs some character development and I also love it when the clones are brothers. Hope you enjoyed.

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