Prologue 7

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As soon as the group enter through the mirror they found themselves in an overgrown dark forest

"So this is the Dwarf's mine?" Deuce asked

"It's been said that it used to be prosperous all thanks to crystal mining but..."

Grim was shaking while on top of (Y/N)'s head

"It feels like something could come out at us" he said shaking

(Y/N) patted his head to comfort him.

"Hey, there's a house over there" Ace pointed out to a cottage that came to view from a distance

"Let's see if anyone there can tell us about the mine" he said as they got closer to the cottage to see it rundown

"It would appear that it's been a long time since someone's lived here" (Y/N) thought as she looked at the cottage

Deuce knocked on the old door hoping someone would answer "Hello?" He asked as the door creaked open

"Huh, I guess it's abandoned. Wow it's a real mess here here" he said as they entered

But before (Y/N) could enter she stopped and looked at Basil.

"Sorry girl, you won't be able to fit so wait here." She said to Basil as she nodded before curling up leaving her head on her body.

As (Y/N) entered the cottage she saw how beaten down the whole inside was aside from the outside.

She and the boys looked around until they heard a spluttering sound

They turned their attention towards Grim who was spitting out spiderwebs

"Gah! Spider web to the face!" Grim complained spitting it out

"Well lookie here" Ace said examining the old furniture

"Isn't the table and chairs small? They look like their exactly for kids. And there'"

"I think that this place was were the dwarfs lived"
(Y/N) claimed looking at the seven chairs

She remembers the story of the seven dwarfs from her mother when she was a child

"This place was probably lively when the Dwarf's mine was flourished." Deuce noted

"They did what they had to do. After all, the magic crystals were found inside coal. For now let's go check it out" Ace said as they exited the cottage and continued forward until they came upon the mine.

"Hold on. You're telling me that we have to go in that pitch hole?!" Grim said fearfully as he held (Y/N)'s neck tightly

"Awww, what's the matter Grim? Yah scared? Hahaha scaredy-cat" Ace teased

"Hey! I ain't a scaredy-cat! No way!" Grim shouted back

"Alright! Enough with that" (Y/N) said firmly before looking back at Basil

"Alright Basil I think you've done enough I think you deserve a well deserved rest until we get back to the dorm." She said as she opened her (f/c) suitcase.

"Come on girl"

(Y/N) placed her suitcase on the floor so Basil could enter

The Basilisk moved her head up before diving into the case.

As soon as she was fully inside the suitcase closed shut

(Y/N) walked over to it and picked it up placing the lock on before turning to see the shocked looks on the boys

"What even is that suitcase?!" Ace said still shocked from seeing a gigantic snake enter a small suitcase

"Oh it's just a normal suitcase with an 'Undetectable Extension Charm'. It allows interior spaces of objects to have external dimensions like my suitcase here"
(Y/N) explained patting her case

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