Prologue 5

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(Y/N)'s uniform was in the process of being made so she had an extra day until she started classes

So she's asked Crowley if me and Grim could explore around campus to memorize the area.

She's decided to let Snidget, Blue, Scout and Lily out because they happened to be the better behaved and less dangerous creatures that she owns.

Blue and Goldie were on her shoulders while Lily and Scout were walking on the side of her

They were walking until they reached a pathway that led to eight different statues.

I managed to familiar myself with these statutes including the eighth one.

"What's the idea with these strange statutes? Their faces look creepy"

"Grim show some respect these statues represent the 'Great Seven' whose deeds are pretty legendary in these parts" (Y/N) said sternly at Grim not mentioning the eighth statue.

"Look at this one. The lady looks like she's got awesome repeal anger management issues" he side gesturing to the 'Queen of Hearts' statue

"Well Grim she's actually—"

"You don't know the Queen of Hearts?"

The group turned around to see a boy with messy orange hair with red eyes and had a red heart on the upper left of his face over his eye

"Is she some kind of big deal?" Grim asked

"She was a queen who lived in a maze-like garden of roses a long, long time ago"

The group and the student looked at the statue.

"She was a strict woman who prized order over all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off color or her playing card soldiers being out of step. She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness but non of her subjects dared to defy her.

You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a law was immediate decapitation" he explained

(Y/N) rubbed her neck remembering the stories that she's been told about the Queen of Hearts and imagined decapitation.

"Wah! That's totally messed up!" Grim shook a bit

"Pretty cool, right? I'm a big fan. I mean who would bother to obey a queen that kind all the time?"

"That may sound true but can I ask who you are?"
(Y/N)  asked

"Names Ace. I'm first-year student here, as of today. Please to meecha" he said winking at the girl making her face turn red causing Lily to give a look at Ace but  (Y/N) shook it off

"I'm Grim! I'm a prodigy who's planning to be like the greatest mage ever. And this is my supervisor

"Wait...(Y/N)? As in (Y/N) Scamander? Child of Newt Scamander? The famous Magizoologist?"

"So you heard about me?"

"Are you kidding? Rumors had been going around the the child of the Newt Scamander will be attending here. Your dad is pretty popular around these parts I mean... I bought his book and read a few pages of the creatures that he wrote on and let me just say that it is incredible"

"Which is your favorite creature so far?"

"Oh, so far right now it's a Niffler."

"Oh, is that so?" (Y/N) as she thought of the mischievous niffler that she had

Just then Ace felt something leaning on him

You look down seeing Scout rubbing against his legs

"Huh, he seems to like you" (Y/N) said surprised to see Scout taking a liking to Ace

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