🌹Chapter 11 Forgotten Memories 🌹

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(Y/N) opened her eyes to see herself in a dark void

She looked all around her seeing nothing but blackness until all of a sudden a mirror appeared not that far from her

She looked at it as she could hear voices coming from it making her feel that she should touch it

She reached her hand out to touch it

As soon as her fingers touched the mirror the black void suddenly changed into a scenery that looked a lot like a house of some kind

As soon as she turned around her eyes widened

To her surprise she sees a child Riddle and a woman who seems to be his mother

"Happy eighth birthday, Riddle" his mother said

"This years birthday cake is a low sugar recipe made with nuts and lecithin-rich soy flour to improve your cerebral function"

"Thank you mother, but... can I just this once, try a tart covered with bright red strawberries?" Riddle asked

This caused his mother to gasp in shock "How could you ask for such a thing?! Those pastries have mounds of sugar, that's more like poison. Just one slice will exceed your ideal daily intake of carbohydrates"

"It was just one tart, what's the big deal about it?"
(Y/N) asked herself glaring at Riddle's mother

"Today we'll be having tuna sautéed with plenty of docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acid" his mother continued

"But now at your age the ideal calorie intake is no less than 600 calories per meal so no eating more than 100 grams, alright?"

"Yes, mother" Riddle said sadly

(Y/N) gave a pity look at young Riddle as the scenery disappeared

"I'd always...wanted to try one of those tarts... the ones with the bright-red strawberries. The local cake shop s had them in the window...the way they shined at me...like forbidden jewels."
another scene appeared showing Riddle reading and studying with his mother next to him, educating him.

"That's enough classical magical study for today. Your homework is to read the first fifty pages of the philosophy of language book referenced in today's magical philosophy texts.

You may have one hour of independent study before your potionology lesson."

"Yes mother" Riddle said still focused on reading

"I need time to prepare the lesson materials. I will see you in one hour, understood?" She adds
"I was studying every possible subject, scheduled down every minute. When I didn't understand something, the lessons would be extended until I understood them. That was my 'normal.'"
(Y/N) looks at Riddle studying until a knocking sound was heard at the window

"Hm? Is someone knocking on the window?"! He asked as he stood up and walked over to the window before opening it to see two boys about the same age as him

"Whoa, he heard us!" The cat eared boy smirked

"Hey come play with us!" Said the green haired boy

"Who are you?" Riddle asked looking at the two

(Y/N) examined them closely before her eyes widened in realization that those two boys were Trey and Che'nya.

"I'm Che'nya and this is Trey. Let's go play croquet together? It's lots of fun!"

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