🌹The Heartslabyul Shenanigans Part 3🌹

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The Heartslabyul Dormitory was in a bit of chaos when Deuce was in a state of panic.

As in right now, Lily was lying on her side in a corner of Deuce's room looking like she could be very sick.

Ace, Trey, and Cater tried to calm him down as Riddle went to get (Y/N)'s aid.

"Deuce, you need to chill dude. Lily's probably not feeling good and needs to rest." Cater said nervously trying to calm him down.

"How can you say that?! Just look at her! She looks like she's more than just sick, she looks like she's dying!" Deuce shouted

"Deuce, Riddle's already getting (Y/N) for help so I can assure you, Lily will be fine, so please don't worry," Trey said calmly but still a little nervous from Deuce's outburst

"Yeah man, you need to calm down. Shouting isn't going to help." Ace said putting a hand on the back of his head.

"So you're all telling me not to be in a panic?! This is a perfect time to be panicking! Something is wrong with Lily, and I can't even tell what is wrong with her. All I could know is that she could be dying!" Deuce shouted looking stressed out and about to cry.

"Alright I'm here boys, what seems to be the problem?" A familiar voice called out making the four turn to see (Y/N) accompanied by Grim, coming with Riddle.

And of course, she brought her suitcase for these kinds of situations.

"Riddle told me that something is wrong with Lily, am I right?" She asked

All of a sudden Deuce hugged (Y/N) as she shook with terror.

"Oh (Y/N)! It's horrible! Something is wrong with Lily!" He said soberly while hugging her tightly

(Y/N) patted him on the back trying to calm him down. "There, there Deuce, it's alright."

She broke out of the hug and used her free hand to put it on his shoulder

"Now, just tell me what's wrong with Lily, slowly" (Y/N) said in a calm matter

"W-well, when I woke up this morning she looked fine, b-but right when it turned noon when I returned to my dorm room,

she was lying on her side in a corner of my dorm room. I thought she was just taking a nap but when I got close to check on her, she looked like she was sick and I didn't know what to do."

(Y/N) put her suitcase down and put her second hand on his shoulder.

"Look Deuce, I've had Lily for a long time, so I know whether or not she could be sick or not, so let me just take a look at Lily and I'll see what's wrong with her so I can see what I can do to help her, alright?"

Deuce nodded as she picked up her suitcase and Deuce led her to his room.

Before she went in she looked back at her 5 boyfriends.

"Um...I think that it's quite fair that I should only go in since I'm most experienced with Lily's kind so can you guys, um..." She trailed off hoping they understood what she is getting at.

"Oh, I get what you mean, my Rose. We shall wait outside here as you do what you need to do." Riddle affirmed as she nodded

She looked back at Deuce seeing him still worried so she placed a hand on his shoulder

"I promise you this, Deuce. I'll make sure Lily is alright." She assured as Deuce looked at her before nodding.

Then she looked at Grim "You stay out here as well Grim, I need total concentration when I check Lily out, understand?"

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