🌹The Heartslabyul Shenanigans Part 1🌹

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Equestrian Club

It was just a normal day for (Y/N) and Grim before they were invited by Riddle to visit the Equestrian Club which he attended

She asked if she could bring her horse-like creatures along so they could stretch their legs and he approved

(Y/N) guided her horse creatures to the club grounds while Grim followed.

One the horses has a horn on its head while the other had wings along its back.

When they arrived the club members were in a state of shock and surprise when they saw (Y/N)'s horses.

She smiled when she spotted Riddle riding his horse before she waved at him gaining his attention

"Hi, Riddle. I came along with my horses."

"Hello, (Y/N), I see you brought your horses but you are aware that they are a unicorn and a Pegasus right?" Riddle asked but was in awe when he saw the horses

"Oh don't you worry Riddle, Rarity and Melina are well behaved if you don't provoke them. IN other words they're pretty much gentle and calm" (Y/N) shortly explained

Riddle gave her a nod before taking a look at Rarity and Melina.

(Y/N) looked at him as he looked at her horses before smiling

"You can pet them if you want Riddle, they won't bite."

Riddle's eyes widened as he looked at the horses nervously

With a little bit of hesitation he unmounted his horse and approached them with caution before reaching his hand out to pet gently Rarity on the head before rubbing behind her ears.

Rarity seemed to enjoy it because she seemed relaxed and neighed happily by his touch

This caught Melina's attention as she trotted up slowly to Riddle and nudged her head on him to get his attention.

Riddle turned his attention from petting Rarity to Melina to see that she wanted him to pet her as well.

He smiled as he gladly petted her as well earning happy neighing.

(Y/N) smiled seeing their interaction

"So who do you wanna ride first?" She asked grinning

"Eh?!" Riddle including the other club members exclaimed

"Yep! You all heard right! These two were born to ride so I'll let you ride em' as long as you'll be gentle with them." she pointed out

Riddle blinked a few times "Are you sure?"


"Alright then, I think that I'll ride...Rarity." He said choosing Rarity causing her to neigh in delight as he mounted her and made Melina huff in a pout.

(Y/N) took notice and petted her winged horse for comfort

"Don't worry Melina, I'm sure someone else here would ride you." She assured but Melina didn't see, to believe in that

(Y/N) sighed. She knew how Melina has always been mounted and how she enjoyed it very much.

Ever since she has taken her in, she's always been riding her to keep her happy but it wasn't enough.

"Ehm." A voice coughed out getting (Y/N) out of her thoughts.

She looked to see a silver haired boy wearing his gym uniform with the Diasomnia dorm symbol and colors.

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