High school au (fluff)

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Greetings! This story is requested by @Yaya_Mime.

Before the story starts this is fluff so there is no smut, I'm not going to be good at writing so no judgement if i spell words wrong.

Disclaimer I don't ship the irl people.

Alright that's all, have fun reading<3

This is for talking "text". This is for thought/thinking 'text'

By the way I kinda forgot how high school works to be honest so if there's anything wrong I wrote please tell me so I can fix it TvT

Warnings: this story may contain swear words, bullying, potentially beatings.

(For the soon to be lovers only)


Age: 18

Grade 12 (senior)

Appearance: long dyed pink hair (mostly in a ponytail or braid), red ruby eyes, muscular body like a jock, wears contact lenses because he would lose his glasses, mostly wears pretty aesthetic clothing.

Personality: athletic, a bit of an introvert, confident, will not give a shit.

Likes: any kind of sports, potatoes, bullying.

Reputation: popular

Family: Philza (dad) Wilbur (twin brother but older because he was born a minute before Techno) Tommy (younger brother).

Best friend/s: none

Notes: he is also known as a "bit" of a bully and full of himself



Age: 18

Grade 12 (senior)

Appearance: albino hair (mostly he dyed it blonde because he got bullied because of it in his old school), emerald green eyes, light freckles, has a bit of muscles but not much, mostly wears something comfortable

Personality: kind, extravert, actually cares, loves small talk, a bit of an awkward person, will most likely give you an extra pen if you ask (unlike some people.)

Likes: his friends, books, the colour green, silence

Reputation: quite kid/nerd

Family: Puffy (parent) Drista (sister) [there ain't no XD in the story]

Best friend/s: George and Sapnap

Notes: he recently transferred into the school like a few weeks


[All of these are going to be Third person povs]

It was another day of school for the popular kids, the ones who were known as the bullies of the whole school.

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