Fireworks? (fluff)

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Hellllllooooo happy new years!!! Lol I can't believe it is already 2024 and I'm still writing about this ship,  I love it very much so I don't really care<3333


I don't ship the irl people

If you don't like it just go away because why are you reading this??

Please just enjoy this!!


Info on plot:

Techno has sensitive ears because he is a piglin

And so

Dream tries to comfort him like a good boyfriend he is

This is a fluff chapter



Today was the last day of this year, Dream and Techno had plans to meet up with a few friends to enjoy the new years.

"Hey, Techno? Are you sure that you'll be fine?" Dream asked, he is worried for Techno.

"I'm fine, why are you so worried? I'm already used to this, you know that." Techno reassured, with a smile.

Dream let out a sigh, he looked at his phone to check the time before looking at Techno again.

"I just don't want you to suffer, maybe I can't bring some headphones for you." Dream suggested.

Techno rested his hands on Dream's shoulder.

"No, it's fine. I can handle this." Techno reassured once again. "And plus this isn't the first time I hear fireworks."

"...Fine..." Dream groaned, holding Techno's hand. "If you feel scared or stress just hold my hand and squeeze."

"You'll get hurt if I did that tho-" Techno mumbled under his breath.

"Shush, I don't care either way!" Dream pouted. "I want to be there for you, bebe!"

"Oh-" Techno started to laugh a bit. "That was a bit cheesy-"

"...Ahhh- it was-" Dream started to blush out of embarrasmemt. "Why'd I even say that-"

"You tell me." Techno said, crossing his arms, smiling at Dream.

"Shut up- let's go now, they must be waiting!" Dream grabbed Techno and dragged him to their car.

"I can walk on my own two feet, Dream." Techno reminded Dream, sadly sighing as he was still dragged after he said that.

"Shush, sit sit." Dream opened the front passenger door.

"I wanna drive this time though?" Techno mumbled. "Plus this is my car-"

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