A gentle morning (Smut & Fluff)

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Another story because it has been like two weeks so I'm posting two because why not-


This is smut, if you aren't comfortable with that please don't read this.

Also this may be cringy

This is an old one in my drafts so I'm just trying to fix it as much as possible and it might be cringe

Also I'm not shipping the irl people.

Kink/the unholy parts warning: praise kink, a bit of nipple, gentle smut, aftercare, quickie.



Techno roused in the morning, as the sun was shining through the window, he yawned and stretched a bit, he then noticed a sleeping blonde in his arms.


Techno mumbled quietly under his breath, as he pulled Dream closer as he brushed away a piece of Dream's hair, admiring the view of the blonde's face.

As the pink haired man was admiring the blonde, he didn't notice that the blonde was slowly waking up, as Dream's eyes slowly opened and looked at Techno.

"Morning, bacon..."

The blonde mumbled out, rubbing his eyes as he was still tired and it was clear that Dream wasn't a morning person.

"Well good morning to you too, teletubby."

The pink haired man whispered, chucking lowly, holding the blonde in his arms, kissing his forehead

"Hmm mhm..." Dream hummed, he yawned softly as he slowly moved closer and closer to Techno, feeling warm and safe in Techno's arms, it made him feel a bit happy.

"Do you want to do a quickie this morning?" Technoblade asked, calming and gently, petting Dream.

"Hm... Yeah sure... Be gentle please..." Dream mumbled, looking up at Techno and sat up on Techno's lap.

"Well no promises~" Techno teased with a small laugh, holding Dream's waist.

"Techno- please- have mercy on me-" Dream mumbled, blushing a deep red, he really didn't want to keep limping as he walks today again.

"I was just teasing you, of course I can go gentle." Techno smiled, kissing Dream's head.

Techno removed Dream's clothing, kissing Dream's neck as he started to play with his nipples.

Dream quickly covered his mouth as a soft moan came out, he shivered a bit as a chill ran down his spine, looking at Techno.

"Aww how adorable... Does this feel good?" Technoblade asked, his tone soft and smooth as he carefully bites down on Dream's neck.

"Aah~ yes~" Dream whimpered softly, feeling bits of pain mixing with pleasure as Techno continued.

Techno became more careful, not wanting Dream to feel pain, Techno only wanted Dream to enjoy it.

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