Nervous? (fluff)

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Hello again! Fireballs!!

I have another story, it might be short- but I hope y'all still like this


As always.


I don't ship the real people

No smut will happen in this story (sorry horny-lovers)

A bit of info

Dream is finally getting introduced to Techno's family as his boyfriend.

Techno's family is Philza, Wilbur, Tommy, no mumza cuz she died

I want Techno to have some trauma alright?

They are driving to Philza's house and there is where the Thanksgiving dinner is served.

Please enjoy.


"Techno? Are you sure they'll like me to be with you?" Dream asked, looking nervous.

"Yeah, they liked Wilbur dating a fish." Techno replied, he gently squeezed Dream's hand.

"Alright... Time for Thanksgiving with your family.." Dream mumbled, he still wasn't sure if this was okay but he trusted Techno.

"Just relax, you'll be alright as long as I'm by your side." Techno was trying to be comforting to Dream.

"Alright alright, I'm just scared that I'll make a bad impression..." Dream sighed and took a deep breath.

"You'll be fine, let's just go before we're late." Techno said, kissing Dream's forehead.

"Okay.." Dream smiled a bit at Techno. "I hope there's no traffic up ahead haha-"

"Oh well, let's just hope." Techno just drove the car, it was kinda awkward.

Dream had a nervous look, he was sweating a bit, he was super anxious, he was just wondering what to do when they get there.

Then his thoughts were cut off by Techno, parking the car, they were now at Philza's house.

"You alright?" Techno asked, once again.

"Mhm, of course I am-" Dream tried to put up a smile but he knew Techno could see though that.

"I can still tell that you aren't." Techno frowned.

"Well are you really really sure that I'm going to be okay?" Dream asked, holding Techno's hands.

"Yes, now come on, you tea kettle." Techno got out of the car.

"Don't call me that!" Dream muttered, also getting out of the car.

Techno held Dream's hand as they both walked to the front door of Philza's place, Techno knocked on the door.

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