The wedding (Fluff)

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Hellloooo Fireballs! Have your weekly meal of Dnb

I hope you'll enjoy this

As always


I do not ship the irl people

If you don't like this then leave

Also I'm not really good at doing wedding stuff

And blah blah blah

Have a summary of the plot

Techno and Dream are getting married and the rest you'll read for yourself<3

Let's start now-


The music was playing, the beautiful music was played by Wilbur (it was probably Lovejoy)

Techno was in his suit, he looked amazing, this was going to be his happiest day besides winning the potato war.

The flowers girls were Tommy and Tubbo because they forced them, they still are children to people's eyes. By that I mean Philza's eyes.

Tommy was throwing flower pedals at people's faces while Tubbo was doing the same.

Chaotic but it didn't ruin the wedding much, now the bride would be walked down the aisle but this was strange because the bride seemed to be late.

Techno was getting nervous about this, 'What is Dream backed down?' 'What if he didn't arrive?' 'What if he changed his mind??' The thoughts in his head were pretty much all that.

But his thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, it was Dream, the bride was here, it made Techno feel relieved.

Now that the both of them are at the altar. The Marriage officiant was Wilbur because why not.

"We are gathered here today to witness the sacred union of Techno and Dream. We stand here to honor and celebrate the love shared between these two people, as they come together to start their new life with a solemn vow, surrounded by their closest family and friends." Wilbur spoke, smiling happily for his brother's marriage.

(Btw I copy and paste that from google anyways let's just skip the parts Address and Readings I want to go straight to the vows.)

"Techno, I'm gay for you." Dream said, with a jokingly dramatic tone.

"I'm gay for myself too, we can share!" Techno replied with the same tone as him.

"The both of you stop being dumb and actually say your vowels!" Wilbur smacked Techno in the head and Dream.

"Okay okay-" Techno apologized and so did Dream of course.

"Dream, you may start first." Wilbur mumbled.

"I take Techno to be my wedded Husband and I promise to not beat him in deals because I'm better than him." Dream said, with a competitive smirk.

"I- good enough. Techno, you may start yours." Wilbur said, with a sigh.

Techno's eye twitched. "I take Dream to be my wedded Husband. I promise to beat his ass at every game because I'm even better than him."

Wilbur just looked at both of them, with an annoyed look.

"Techno, Do you take Dream to be your wedded Husband?" Wilbur looked at Techno.

"I do." Techno said firmly.

"Do you take Techno to be your wedded Husband?" Wilbur turned to look at Dream.

"I do." Dream nodded.

"Alright, let's proceed." Wilbur cleared his throat.

(Just going to skip the exchanging of rings and just go to Pronouncement)

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss." Wilbur said, looking at the two of them.

Techno and Dream kissed.

When they pulled away, Dream looked at Techno.

"Why'd you taste like mint-" Dream mumbled.

"Wow so you'll ratherkiss me with bad breath?" Techno smacked Dream in the head.

"No- stop smacking me, I'll smack you back, idiot." Dream smacked Techno, while sticking out his tongue."

"You're the idiot." Techno replied.

[The end]

That's what I have, i have searched on google with nothing really helped so sorry if this looks like writing from a person with low iq lower than a dolphin<3

I kinda rushed this because it was almost the end of the week-

I hope y'all enjoy this-

Have a great day or night or noon!

Good byeeeee see you next week when I actually think of something!!

Btw the word count is 675!

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