Mini DNB stories

273 10 6

Hello hello hello Fireballs.

You guys probably have seen Dream's new video, I feel bad for the uber driver and for Dream

People are sometimes assholes

I don't care if you believe him or not just don't do more drama-

Before the stories start


I don't ship the irl people

I don't care if you don't like the ship

The titles of the stories will be bold and the beginnings of the story will have this '↓'

Please enjoy reading this.



"Dream? Why is there another extra calculator on your phone?"

Techno asked, pointing at a calculator that looks suspicious.

"Huh? An extra calculator?"

Dream thought for a moment then remembered.


But it was too late, Techno opened the app, it was wattpad.

"...Is this... WATTPAD!?"


"Dream. I can see the y/n stories."

"...Hahahaha- I think I have to go to work-"

"It is a saturday."

Techno clicked on one of the stories and read it out loud.

"I tied my hair into a messy bun as the sun shines on my ocean blue ey-"

"Okay okay! That's enough-"



Baby clothes

Dream and Techno are shopping for baby clothes for their new adopted baby, Ranboo.

"Let's get this and this- of we can't go with only clothing, we need accessories!"

Dream said, the shopping cart was full to the brim with baby clothes.

"Um? Isn't this too much already?"

Techno mumbled, looking concern for his wallet.

"Nah, we need them all! Plus it's for our baby!"

Dream replied with an excited tone.

"Dream, Ranboo will grow out of those, do you realize that babies grow fast?"

Techno said, popping Dream's excited bubble.

"Yeah but I want to make them happy-"

"They are already happy, now come on let's go get baby food."



The couch

"Finally! I'm done cleaning, time for my snack"

Dream walked to the fridge, opening it, a joyful smile was on his face, ready to eat.

"Oh my sweet sweet sandwi- where did it go."

Dream's cheerful tone immediately dropped, he slammed the fridge close, running to the living room with a frying pan.


Techno was on the couch eating a sandwich, he got startled.

"...this is yours?"

Techno asked, looking at Dream and at the sandwich.

"...Yes and you are sleeping on the couch."

Dream smacked Techno in the head with the frying pan.

"Okay that's fair-"



Stranded island

"Techno, give me more rocks."

Dream said, trying to spell help on the sand with small rocks he found nearby.

"No, you get them yourself, I'm getting food."

Techno replied before looking at the spelling that Dream was doing.

"...Why is it spelled Like that?"

Techno asked.

"Huh? Like what?"

Dream looked confused.

"Why is it SPELLED "PLEH"!?"

Techno smacked Dream's head, because of the stupidity on his head.

"Ow! It's so the airplane people or whatever can see the thing!"

"That's so dumb."

"Nuh uh, we will be rescued in a few hours!"

*A fer days later.*

"So what was that about being rescued in a few hours?"

Techno teased.

"Shut up.."

[The end]


That's it because I have homework to do rn and I gtg go-


Byee I hope you enjoyed this-

Farewell Fireballs! Have a good day or night or whatever.

[Word count 580]

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