midnight beauty

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I picked amerika up, his body fitting perfectly in my arms. he's not as heavy as i thought! I layed him in my bed, gently tucking him in. he had a look of innocence on his face and he probably didn't even notice! I snapped a picture of it because hey why not? see amerika can be quiet and nice! I wonder why the others only see the bad in america? nobody's perfect! I'm sure if they saw what I'm seeing they'd change there minds about america. sure our nations arint to friendly with each other. but does it really matter? right now we're only Ivan and Alfred! that's all that really matters right? we're just comrades! oh I bet since I'm amerikas friend now he'll let me hang with him and the gang more! maybe I wont be so lonely anymore! for once in my life I wasn't thinking about hurt or beating someones face in with my magic metal pipe of pain, all I was thinking about was me and my new friend. I felt surprisingly warm. I..I've never felt this way before! I..is this friendship? if this is what it feels like I like it, no I love it! I want more of it! I smiled to myself noticing how the shine of the moon looked beautiful on his face. it shined threw my window lighting the room up abit. wait did I say amerika looked beautiful? t..that's weird! I've never thought of many things that way. b..but amerika truly is beautiful! he resembles that of a sunflower. sunflowers are beautiful and since amerika reminds me of one, he is to! I gently took amerikas glasses off, Texas I think he calls it? teehee he's so silly! I slipped into bed with him excited about what tomarrow has in store for me and my new comrade!

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