Chapter five: Chaos

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Night's pov

I woke up to a quiet house. Crim wasn't in the room, and I didn't hear anyone yelling at me to get my ass outta bed. I stood up and felt the stitches tug at my skin, and I pulled down my shirt sleeve. I looked at the black thread and got a pair of scissors. I cut the thread, and pulled out a few strands, nothing was left but a scar and soft bruise.

I changed my clothes into some mid-thigh jean shorts, a dark lavender tank top, a blue and orange sock, put my hair into a tight pony tail. Just as I did, Crim walked in. She smiled at me, walked to her bed, and pulled out the small trunk with her knifes inside. She pulled out throwing knives with red cloth around the handle. She stood and looked at me.

"I'm throwing stones....wanna come? I found the perfect pond." She said.

That meant she found a dead tree to throw knives at. I pulled out my small trunk filled with my knives and pulled out throwing knives that had green cloth around the handle. We walked outside, Crim lead me to the dead tree, which was located directly next to a beautiful sparkling pond, and we had a fight on who could throw more perfect. We kept pushing each other trying to make eachother miss, but we never did, we both threw a knife, and both hit the same mark. They both stuck from the tree, and we looked at each other. We then took off to retrieve out knives. I pushed Crim and she fell directly into the pond, disturbing to stillness of the water. I felt bad and stopped.

"I'm so-" I was cut off by a handful of mud smacking me in the face.

I gasped as Crim walked out of the pond, and pushed me into the pond. I grabbed some mud and threw it at her hitting her in the mouth.

"Oh you're on!" She laughed and dived In the water.

The match began. Mud was thrown, in our mouths, on our faces. After a while we went inside took showers. We came back out and Crim was holding a water gun with a blue bucket filled with small water bottle sized containers filled with washable pain. Like the kind in paint balls. I had a bucket filled with it as well, and a water gun. While Crim had her back turned I filled my water gun, and sprayed her in the back with purple paint. She gasped and turned around spraying me with pink. I screamed.

"Oh you're gonna get it for making me pink!"I said and sprayed her in the mouth.

She spit out purple,and sprayed me again. This went on until we ran out of paint, then we refilled the water guns,and kept going at it. We were covered with tons of assortments of colors. We were laughing, then the next thing you know an engine reeved up. Crim and I looked up, and when we did the car engine stopped. Katherine held a beer bottle and took a large swig of it. She held an empty six pack of beer bottles. She threw the bottle she just finished, at Crim. It hit Crim so hard it made a huge gash on her hair line, and she was knocked out. I crawled over to her,and held her.

"Crim? Crim? Crimson! Wake up....please." I stared crying.

I was hit in the head with a beer bottle and I fell. A gash spread from the right side of my jaw to my eyebrow. I saw my throwing my knife and I picked it up. I threw it at Katherine, and it hit her in her left knee. She fell down and I grabbed a few more. Katherine tried to stand up but I threw another knife and it impaled her left shoulder. I threw another one and it hit her in the right knee. Katherine pulled out her phone and called 911. That bitch! She said her daughters were trying to kill her, and one of them had already stabbed her three times. I just faintly hear the woman on the other end of the line say 'I'm sending police, and an ambulance to your home address.' I wrapped my arms around Crim's upper chest and started dragging her to the trees. Before I could get Crim the the trees a squad of cars pulled up. A police man pointed his gun at me and spoke.

"Ma'am. Please put the girl down, and put your hands in the air!" He said.

I picked Crim up, threw her over my shoulder, and ran. The man shot at me and it hit my arm. I flinched but kept running. The policemen's voice got quieter, and i decided to take a different approach. I climbed at tree. I had the extremely strong sense of deja vú and I gasped. This was my dream from last night! I hadden't noticed the policemen underneath me until he spoke.

"What the.....?" He looked up and he growled.

He pointed his gun at me and shot. A burning pain ripped through my thigh and I fell from the tree. I fell on my back; hard. My vision went blurry, and my head, arm, back, and thigh hurt badly. I just noticed Crim's uncosious body falling from the tree.

"No!" I cried and tried to stand.

I was kicked back down, and i screamed in pain. My vision blurred worse, But I saw a white figure dive into Crim's body and catch her. I heard a scream and looked back behind me. I saw Slenderman pick up a police man and tear his head off. Blood splattered on Slender's face and he grabbed the man who had me pinned to ground. Slender broke both the guys legs, then stabbed him with his tendrils. I watched, and I felt someone pick me up, and I screamed.. I looked up to see Ticci Toby looking down at me.

"Sh-she *tic* ne-needs *tic* hel-help!" I twitched, while looking at Slender.

"Take them to the mansion and get them to the infirmary. Hurry before she dies!" Slender yelled at Toby.

Toby nodded, and turned around. I looked ahead and saw Jeff the killer holding my little sister like a precious diamond. She slowly stirred and whispered my name.

"Night~" She whispered and went fully unconscious.

My vision became too blurry to see correctly, but i could still hear.

"Hey! Stop right there! Put those girls down now!" A police man yelled.

Toby made the mistake of turning around and speaking the wrong answer.

"*tic* N-No." He said.

The man opened fire, and Toby tried to get out of the way but he didn't make it. The bullet entered my left side, and the air was knocked from my lungs. My eyes widened, and I let out a half whimper half scream. I saw Slender look at me with what I'm assuming was wide eyes, because the muscles in his face raised up. I took in a deep breath breath, let it out, then passed out. The last thing I heard was Slender's voice filled, with pain, worry, and anger.

"Get her to the damn mansion! Now!" He yelled.

I felt my surroundings move, then I passed out completely.

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