Chapter eight: Fights lead to more pain and scars

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Crimson's pov

We all walked outside to watch the fight. What everyone din't know was that that Night knew how to use her machete and she was going to tear those boys apart! the fight started and Ben charged with his mastersword. Night side stepped and Ben missed. Dark went in for a jab but my sister moved to the left an he missed.Night kicked Dark in the back and he toppled onto Ben. Night yawned, stretched, and she walked to the boys. They tried to get up but Night held he machete to Darks throat, and she grabbed his master sword holding it to Ben's throat.

"this was too easy." Night laughed and dropped Dark's sword.

She put her machete into it's sheathe and turned to walk way. Ben looked at his sword and i heard him breathing heavily through his nose. Obviously Slender knew what wa going to happen and yelled, but it was too late. Ben had gotten up, and charged. Night turned around with wide eyes, and ben's sword rand through her front and out her back. Ben let it go, and Night dropped to the ground holding the handle of the sword.

"No more pain. No more scars. No more blood. No more taking punishments." Night whispered.

"Oh no. Night? Calm down please. Don't do this, not now.Not again." I begged.

"Too late." Night whispered.

Night stood up, and slowly pulled the sword from inside her. I pulled her skin and it looked so painful. Night however, didn't even flinch. Once the blade was fully extracted she laughed. Her irises became so bright red they glowed like molten lava. The whites of her eyes turned black, and her skin became so while she looked like a ghost. She charged Ben without saying anything and swung the sword. It cut Ben's arm deeply, and she swung again. She swung at him cutting his arms, legs, torso an face. Blood seeped from all his wounds, then Jeff couldn't handle it anymore. He attacked Night, and pinned her to the ground with his knife. Night could have easily flipped him and stabbed him with his own knife but she stopped moving.

"Gett off me you asshole!" She yelled at him.

"Ummm..I'm no genious but if she wanted to I think she would have killed you already Jeff. Somethings holding her back." Masky said.

I sighed knowing why she stopped like she did. I told her not too long ago that I though....Jeff the killer.....was.....cute. I did and she said that if we ever met the Pastas that she thinks he'd like me too. She wasn't killing Jeff because she knows I like him.

"Get off her!" I yelled.

Jeff looked at me and his face turned a little red. He crawled off Night, and she looked at me.

"Ya know Crim? I though it would be the coolest shit if I met the Creepypastas, but now I realized something." Night said.

"And what is that, child?" Slender asked.

"Everyone here but you, and Sally are assholes!"

On that unplesant note, Night's teeth grew and she turned away. She took off through the forest and only I heard the soft snap of a throat, and the slur of liquid.

*******time skip*****

After an hour, Night came back with blood around her mouth and covering her front. She quickly covered her mouth, and tried to run through the house but Eyeless stopped her.

"Hey Night? Are, are you okay?" He asked.

"Uhh yeah...I'm fine." Night whispered.

"Ya sure?"


"You don't look like it."

"I said i'm fine!" Night yelled and pulled her hand from her mouth.

Blood red love (Jeff/Slender love {lemon/fluff}Where stories live. Discover now