Chapter 18: Puntures

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Crimson's POV

It's been three days since I ate food, drank water, seen anything other than the gray walls, and that horrid white light. Every few hours Katherine would come in here and check to see if Night was dead yet. I don't, know if she is or not.

Katherine will check, then look up at me and smile darkly, and leave, locking the door. She has been beating me senseless. Sweat rolled down my face, it made my clothes stick to my skin, blood dripped off my shallow wounds around my face and neck, dirt and grime from Katherine's hands and boots stuck to my face.

I spit blood as Katherine slapped me across the face, telling me i was worthless, and no body can save me now. Not after this. She left the room on that unpleasant note, and i just let myself go. I dropped and just let my hands hang in the shackles they were in. I breathed heavily, and started whispering.

"Please don't die. Please don't die. Please don't die." I said over and over.

Katherine would kick Night every so often and I would see blood pool around her head. I cry myself to sleep praying she's okay, but I don't think she'll survive this. Not with how much blood she's loosing.

I sat there, silent. Watching any sign of movement from Night, yet seeing none. I want to go home. I want to see Jeff. I want to see my friends again. I took in a deep breath, threw my head back and screamed with everything I had. I hung my head, and watched my tears dribble off from under my chin and drop onto the concrete floor. I wanted to make Katherine pay, I want her to beg for quarter, and her to beg like the insignifigant piece of shit she is.


It was silent and a soft murmmer came from behind the door. I could barely make it out, but I know someone was behind the door. Most likely Katherine.


"Crimson? Crimson is that you!? Say something!" A familiar voice yelled from the other side of the door.

I gasped and thrashed like a mad man in my chains. Screaming over and over.

"Jeff!!! Jeff!!! Please come in here, please help us!!!!" I screamed.

The door was hit and dented. A grumble was heard, then Jeff yelled. This time I could tell who he was yelling at.

"Slender, guys! They're in here! Help me open the door!" He shouted.

Footsteps ran to the door, and it just got destroyed. Slender used his tendrils and ripped the door off completely, tearing the hinges out of the wall.

"Night!" He screamed.

"Crimson!" Jeff cried.

"Slender! Please help Night! Please she's not okay! She's dying!" I started crying with joy, and fear.

Night really was dying, and I could feel it. She needed help, and fast!

Slender ripped our shackles off us, and he picked Night up. She laid limp in his arms. Her head was thrown back, and her face was damaged horribly. Cuts covered her face, and her nose was broken. Blood caked her face, some dry but most still sticky and wet. The hole in Night's stomach was... I started crying. Unable to stop.

"Why couldn't it have been me!?" I screamed. Jeff picked me up bridal style, and I bawled into his chest.

We exited the old abandoned house we were in, and instantly ran to the hospital. We both went to seaperate rooms, and they made me inhale a gas that made me pass out. I pulled the mask of just before I passed out.

" her." I whispered

They put the mask back on me, and I slowly passed out but not before hearing:

"Ma'am you need worry about yourself. We'll take care of your sister." A tear escaped my eye and all I saw was darkness.

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