Chapter 10: Closer than ever

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Crimson's pov

After our delightful swim the pastas and Night and I walked home. All i could really see was that Night and Slender were holding hands. I honestly thought they seemed like the most adorable couple ever! I saw Slender whispering the occasional comment into Night's ear and she'd flush a deep red. I've never seen her like this. She always told me the boys sucked and they would break your heart. Now it was like she was in love with Slender. I didn't understand that at all. After we made it home Night got the jeans she had been wearing the past two days and slipped them on along with her tanktop that had mine and her names on the side. She laid on the couch and Slender went to his room to dress in his original suit. Everyone else went to their rooms to change clothing and i found my clothes that i've been wearing the past few days. After everyone was dressed we all sat on the couch and rented a movie. We all somehow agreed on the horror movie As above so below. The only thing was I noticed Night was leaning on Slender's shoulder and Jeff was unusually close to me. The movie started and i just barely notice Jeff moving closer. His hand touched mine and i flushed a deep red that fit my name. I looked at Jeff and he leaned into me and whispered into my ear.

"follow me." He said and left the room.

I waited a moment and then i said i needed to use the bathroom. i disappeared up the stairs and i saw Jeff standing just outside his bedroom door. he smiled even wider (if thats even possible ^_^) and he grabbed my hand, pulling me into his arms. He drug me into his room and kissed me lightly. His lips were cold but soft, and i fell into the kiss quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist. I pushed me into the wall and broke this kiss for a second.


He said and kissed me again. i jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. the kiss deepened until he licked my bottom lip. i granted him entrance and he swiftly entered his tongue into my mouth. We started a small tongue war and surprisingly.... i won. (not possible he let her win.) I explored my new territory and once i had i pulled away. Jeff smiled wider nd without warning her attacked my sweet spot. He found it instantly and i moaned. He moved his hands just under my breasts and i moaned again. I reached around me and pulled of my tanks top and undid my bra. He stuck one of my buds in his mouth and a gasped. He played with my other breast and he switched back and forth giving them the same treatment. Once he had, he slipped a hand into my jeans and massaged me. I groaned and he smiled again. He pulled out his hand and undid my jeans, dropping them to the ground. I looked at him and pouted.

"No fair! You still have on your clothes!"

He chuckled and pulled his hoodie over his head. I bit my lip and i rubbed my hand over his built muscles. He chuckled again and unbuttoned his slacked and dropped then to the ground. The tent in his boxer was noticeably large and i groaned. There was no way in hell that thing was going to fit inside me. For fucks sake! Im a virgin!

"Don't fret babe. I'll make it fit." He whispered into my ear seductively.

I bit my lip and he pulled down my red lace undies. He picked me up and laid me gently on the bed, pushing me onto my back. i laid still and his hot breath touched my clit. I made a high pitched gasp and i arched my back. He stuck his tongue inside me and i moaned loudly. He licked up and down my entrance and he shoved his tongue inside me. i moaned louder than ever and he pulled away as a knot formed in my stomach. He crawled ontop of me and pulled down his boxers.

"You a virgin baby?" He whispered to me.

i nodded my head yes and he sighed.

"ok. I'll be easy. Tell me when it hurts."

with that he pushed his fucking huge member into me, and i cried in pain. He kissed my tears away and whispered sweet nothings into my ear before slowly moving his hips. This undeniable pleasure rolled though me and i groaned. I rolled my hips making the sensation better, and more enjoyable. Jeff's thrusts became faster until he was grunting loudly. i knew this wasn't his fastest pace because i could jut feel himself holding back. i wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered into his ear.

"Fuck me as hard as you can. Make me yours. Daddy."

his breath hitched and he started pounding into me at inhuman speeds driving me insane with pleasure.

"So you like it rough the first time, huh?" he panted into my ear.

i nodded and moaned like i never have before, and He groaned loudly. That knot formed in my stomach again and I cried out in bliss.

"Jeff!I'm gonna.....c-cum!" I yelled.

Jeff grunted in response and His thrust got sloppier. I released on his member just as he realised inside me. He fell down onto the bed next to me and I curled into his chest. That was when I realized I loved him more than I had thought. He was my other, like the person I was destined to be with for the rest of my life. He pulled the covers over us and started speaking.

"Crimson? Look, I really like, no. Love you. I need you Crimson. You're the one I need to be with. You're the other half of me. I love you, and need to be with you."

"I could never say no to the beautiful smile of yours. I loved you too." I giggled and he sighed.

He laid his head back and i softly fell asleep to the rise and fall of his brod chest. That's when I realized. I wasn't on the pill and we didn't use protection.

"Shit." I whispered, but Jeff was already asleep.

"Well, at least he's gonna be Jeff's a and I wouldn't want it any other way." I whispered again and fell asleep lying on Jeff's chest.

Blood red love (Jeff/Slender love {lemon/fluff}Where stories live. Discover now