Chapter 23: More disasters

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[Nightmare's POV]

I woke to the smell of bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes. I opened my eyes, and rubbed them softly, yawning as well. I looked around and noticed sllleepong bodies spread throughout the living room, and I giggled. I stood and minuvered through the bodies, and into the kitchen. Slender was wearing a white apron, and he was cooking breakfast. I snuck behind him, and plucked a piece of bacon from the pan, eating it slowly. I leaned on the counter next to him, and giggled again. His apron said "kiss the deranged killer". I stood on my tip toes and kissed his cheek softly without a thought. A smile moved the muscles where his mouth should be, and I smiled as well.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Well. That snazzy looking apron you're wearing says "kiss the deranged killer" so I did." I smiled, and went back to eating my strip of bacon.

He chuckled deeply, and it sent a pleasurable shiver down my spine. I watched him cook the food, and we chatted for a moment before my stomach growled.

"Time to feed the beasts?" He asked.

I noticed he used the plural of "beast" and giggled at the reason. I rubbed the lower part of my abdominal area, and smiled down at it.

"Why, yes. It is time to fees the beasts." I said, using the plural.

I helped him set the table, and no sooner then when I laid the last plate down a whole herd of feet sounded, and began running into the dining room. I laughed, and we wall sat down to eat like a family. We laughed and had quite a bit of fun for once, not to bad fighting a few bets on what mine and Crim's babies will be. I reached up to my neck, and rubbed the pendant. I stabbed at a pile of sausage, pancake and egg bringing it to my mouth. I opened my mouth to eat it, and this...excruciating pain ripped through my brain. I dropped my fork, clutched my head, and screamed in agony. I squeezed my eyes shut as a wave of pain washed over my mind, and I fell from my chair screaming. Slender came to my side and kept asking what was wrong, but I couldn't hear due to the immense pin filling the void of my mind. A deep, raspy, hoarse voice spoke in my mind.

"You are my kin!!! Do not be persuaded by pests, like them! Be my heir to the throne my daughter!" It echoed in my mind.

"No!! No I won't!!! Leave me alone!!!" I screamed.

Slender pulled away looking hurt, and it killed me. I wasn't talking about him. It was this damn voice.

"Be my heir. Do not fall in love with that pathetic excuse for a killer!!! You. Are. My daughter." It said once again.

"No no no!!! Get out of my head!!! Get Out!!!" I screamed, clawing at my ears, praying to a god I don't believe in to take away the pain.

"You are my kin! I will not let you be persuaded by pests. You will be the heir to my throne if you like it or not!!" The voice screamed at me.

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