Chapter 24: A love to protect.

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[Nightmare's POV]

Trees surrounded us, hanging from those trees were the dead bodies of my family. Jeff, Sally, Ben....Crimson. Blood began streaming down my face, staining my skin. A body crawled toward me, and when I looked it was...oh sweet Zalgo.

"Slender!!!" I screamed.

I blinked and we were back in the living room, Slender panting and looking at me. I pushed and fell off his lap watching my father in the corner of the room.

"Get out!!!! I don't want to be like you!!" I screamed at my father.

His booming laughter ran through the house and everyone was by my side within seconds. Darkness settled over the room but it stopped when a red version of the darkness collided with the blackness. Father laughed again and began stalking toward me.

"You have talents I don't have. You are worth so much more than anyone else. You are more valueable than all of my children combined. You are the perfect person to take over my throne and rule with an iron fist." He said.

"Maybe I don't want to rule over everyon else. Maybe I want to settle down and have a family. I am part of this family." I argued.

"You can't be part of this family. You are my daughter!" His voice rang out.

The red began filling the room. It overpowered the darkness that protected me. I began getting frustrated, but something happened. Slender looked at me with pure anguish in his non existing face. He was thinking something that I knew I wouldn't like.

"He won't stop until he has you..."Slender began. "...I..don't want you hurt and...there's only one way to make sure he doesn't find you." He finished.

"Don't. I won't lose you! I can't lose you!" I cried.

"I can lose you either, but I have to protect you. If I truly love you...I have to let you go." He whispered.

"No! I won't leave you!! I need you!!"

Slender crouched down and kissed me deeply and passionately. I kissed back and a tear of blood escaped from the corner of my eye, and it trailed down my face and dripped onto our intertwined hands. More and more tears escaped and Slender pulled back.

"Please, don't make me go." I whispered.

Sally hugged me and began crying.

"I'll miss you mommie!" She cried.

"We'll all miss you. Be safe Night." Eyeless said and looked down at me.

"And we'll all miss you Crimson. But I'll miss you the most." Jeff whispered.

"No!! I won't go! Please, not now. Not now that we're making a family." She began crying.

Slender pulled me to him, kissing me for the last time before I lost everything. My memories, my one love. I closed my eyes and I blacked out. The last thing I remember before doing so, was Slender's voice, wavering and cracking. He was crying. And so was Jeff when Crimson blacked out. They both whispered at the same time.

"I love you."

After was all gone.

Blood red love (Jeff/Slender love {lemon/fluff}Where stories live. Discover now