Chapter 12: Extraordinary Girl

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Night's pov.    ******3hours later******** 

Crim and Jeff decided to go and use Crim's new birthday gifts in a hunting exercise, and that left me without anything to do. I decided to listen to music, and I pulled out my phone. I plugged in headphones, sat on the kitched counter, and played The legend of Zelda- Song of Storms dudstep remix. (U should really listen to's awesome!) I pulled a knife out of the drawer, and used it to clean under my nails. I'd wash it once I was done, no one needs to freak out. I kicked my feet back and forth just because I can, and then Slender walked in. I looked up for a second, smiled, then went back to my interest in my fingernails. 

"Hello?" Slender said.

I couldn't hear him due to both my headphones in, and the volume turned way up. Slender waved his hanin front of me, and without looking at him I pulled, out one headphone.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"What are you up to?" He asked.

"Nothing. Crim and Jeff went out so I'm left here with nothing to do."

"Well, looks like you're king something?"

"Cleaning my nails with a knife, and listening to Legend of Zelda dub step. Nothing too interesting. You can join me if you want."

"I have a better idea." I said seductively.

 I looked up to see what he meant the a soft, smooth pair of lips softly pressed to mine. I didn't hesitate to kiss back, knowing that we had kissed back at the pond not but just a few days ago. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he placed his hands on my hips. He used his left hand to rub up and down my thigh, making me moan gently against his lips, but that's not what he wanted. He wanted to hear me scream his name, and let the whole world know who I belonged to, and I wanted it too. His hand moved in between my legs, and softly rubbed making me impatient. I broke the kiss and I started kissing down his neck hoping I find his soft spot. It took me a few moments but when I did find it, Slender made a soft groan. I licked, and sucked his soft spot making him groan more. 

"Can you do this somewhere else? Hoodie and I wanna eat cheesecake and we can't do that while you're in here doing this." Masky said, making me jump out of my skin.

Slender groaned in annoyance and just pulled away. He straightened his suit, and grabbed my hand. He drug me upstairs to his room, locked the door, and looked at me.

"Now. Where were we?" He said darkly, and started walking to me.

I bit my lip, and my face turned a slight shade of red. Slender pushed me against the wall, and trapped my by putting one of his hands on either side of me. He kissed my neck and almost instantly found my soft spot. I moaned, and he smirked into the curve of my neck. I kinda moved my head to the left to give Slender better access, but he just stopped when I did. He smiled, and used two of his tentacles to take off my red shirt, and black bra. He stuck one of my nipples in his mouth, and I made a sharp, high pitched gasp. Slender liked my reaction, and started sucking. He swirled his tongue around my hardened nipple, and I groaned. After a moment he switched, and gave my other breast the same treatment. Once me had, he went back to me neck and kissed my sweet spot. I moaned, and I must have accidentally bumped into one of his tendrils. He groaned deeply, and I softly rubbed his tendril. He groaned again, and began to grin on me making me eben more wet. I grabbed his tendril and shoved it into my mouth, making Slender's breath hitch and his grinding harder. I moaned and pushed my hips to me Slender's but he stopped after a moment. He pulled his tendril out of my mouth, and he stripped himself of his suit jacket, and white button up. He left on his tie though, and got on my knees. I softly rigged at his pants, and looked up at him for permission. He must have liked that, 'cause his member grew, and he swallowed. He nodded, and I slowly pulled his pants and boxers off making him impatient. Once I had his pants and boxers off I softly took child of his member and shoved it in my mouth. Slender moaned loudly, and I picked up a little pace while bobbing my head. Slender's breath quickened, and he soon begun panting. His tendrils went south, and pulled down my shorts, and black panties. His tendrils started rubbing inside my fields, and I couldn't hold back. I started sucking harder and faster, making his member throb in side my mouth. His tenticle howere, never gained speed. After a moment I became very annoyed, and pulled away. I stood up, and pushed Slender onto the bed. I crawled on top of him and slowly started grinding on his member. His started panting, and he closed his eyes.

"You've been a bad boy for teasing me like you did." I said slowly, and softly.

"I've been a bad boy? Look at you teasing me. Maybe I should punish you." Slender said roughly, and flipped me over where I was lying on my bed.

I didn't said a word, and Slender slowly pushed himself into me. I cried out in pain and my dark pink, almost red, tears streamed down my face. It hurt badly since I was a virgin, but Slender just whispered sweet nothings into my ear to take my mind off the pain. After about a moment of pain, I felt nothing. i rolled my hips and this blissful feeing rolled through my lower regions. I moaned softly, and Slender got the hint. His started thrusting Hus hips into me, and I felt amazing. I moaned louder with every thrust. Soon Slender's thrusts became too slow.

"F-faster Slendy. Please." I panted.

I gripped the bed sheets, but instead if him speeding up he slowed down. Even if his slow pace killed him, he still wanted me to beg.

"Beg for it. Tell me who you belong to." He whispered into my ear.

"You." I whispered back.

Slender's pace speed up bit, but he asked again.

"Who do you belong to?" 

"You!" I said louder.

"Who!?" He almost shouted.

"YOU!!!" I screamed.

"That's right baby girl." Slender said, and he started pounding into me at inhuman speed.

I screamed out in pleasure and he just kept going. He flipped us over where he was on his back, and I was on top of him. I bounced on his member, and a tight knot curled in my lower regions. I panted, and moaned out.

"Sl-slendy! I-i'm gonna....c-cum!"

Slender pulled out and flipped me on to all fours then pushed back into me. I moaned, and that knot came back. I screamed out again, and I came on his member, but Slender wasn't done yet. And by god, he wanted his release.he started pounding into and his thrusts became sloppier, but on one thrust he hit a spot that felt so good.

I cried out and the knot formed in the pit of my stomach again. Slender kept hitting that same spot, and I couldn't keep up. Slender's member twitched and throbbed with ectacy, and i felt his hot warm seed fill me, and I came on his member once more. After a moment Slender pulled out and laid next me. He pulled me into his chest, and covered us up with the blanket.

"I love you, Night." Slender whispered to me.

"I love you too, Slendy." I whispered back, and fell asleep to the soft rise and fall of Slendy's chest, and the fast beat of his heart.

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