Chapter six: A scary wake up call

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Jeff's pov

Slender yelled at Toby and me to get the girls to the mansion. Toby looked down at the girl in his arms and he said she needed help. I turned, ready to start hauling ass toward the mansion when a shaky yet deep voice yelled at us.

"Hey! Stop right there! Put those girls down, now!" He yelled.

I took a glance back, noticed Toby turn toward the man who yelled at us. I kept telling myself 'just run, c'mon let's go, c'mon.' Toby was a retard and gave the man the wrong answer.

"*tic* N-No." He said.

The man opened fire and Toby tried to get out of the way but he didn't make it. The bullet entered the girls side and so much blood spilled from the wound. It coated Toby's front side, and Toby looked at the girl in his arms in horror. The girl in my arms stirred and whispered.


Her head fell back, and she passed out completely.

"Get her to the damn mansion! Now!" Slender yelled.

I flinched because I have never heard him use that much power in his voice before. The police men attacking him fell to the ground holding their ears, and cried out with pain. Toby and I turned and started hauling ass. We jumped fallen logs, ducked under low tree branches, and missed trees. The deeper into the forest we got, the thicker the trees got. We quickly made it to the mansion, and we burst through the door.

"Ej! Smiley! We need your help! Now!" I said.

We were breathing hard, and all the pastas looked at us oddly. We ran through the house and into the infirmary with EJ and Dr.Smiley following close behind. I laid the girl in my arms onto a small table, and Toby did the same with the other girl. Smiley looked at the red head, and Ej looked at the one with grey and black hair. I couldn't take my eyes off her until Dr. Smiley pushed me out the door, saying I couldn't watch. I walked backwards out the door until my back hit the opposite wall, and I slid down pulling my knees to my chest. I listened for hours hearing nothing, then a slight scream.

"What the hell? Ohhhh.....he better not be hurting them." I growled lowly.

I heard a slight whisper but it sounding more like a soft scream.

"Night. Please don't die." A voice whispered, and sobbing happened.

After a moment everything went silent.

"Oh god..... both of you please be ok." I whispered

Crimson's pov

Tht last thing I remember was being held by soft, strong arms. At that moment I realized my sister was left with Katherine while she held empty beer bottles. I realized she could be seriously hurt. My head started throbbing and I whispered her name.


The passed out. I half woke up and felt a seering pain in my head, and leg. I woke up and gasped. Who ever was next to me pushed me down, and told me to stay still, that he was only trying to help me. I screamed as something extremely hot entered my skin next to the right of my hair line. I gripped the man's hand and gritted my teeth. I heard a different guy speak, he sounded like he was talking more to himself than to anybody else.

"I can't stop the bleeding. She's loosing too much blood." A man said.

I looked to my left to see a man in a white lab coat, white surgical mask with drawn on teeth, and black hair. I instantly recognized him as the creepypasta, Dr. Smiley. I looked at who he was talking about, and instantly recognized her as my sister, Night. I whimpered and softly cried.

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