Chapter 13: Explinations

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Night's POV

I was sitting on the couch with a few pastas. Jeff, Ben, Dark, Jane, Crim, and Sally. We were just surfing the channels then my cell rung. I've been here for like, five days and I haven't got a call from anyone. That seemed odd because one of my friends, Diamond Blue, would call me daily just to chat or make a time to meet up and have fun in town. Now that I thought about it....I don't know why she hasn't called me. I picked up my phone and answered my phone just as Slender walked in.

***phone convo***

Night: Hi Blue

Blue: Night! Where the hell have you been! Everyone's been looking for you!

Night: Well no shit sherlock! I about killed my mom, and Crim and I caused I whole squad of police to get murdered. Our faces are know everywhere now!

Blue: That's no excuse not to call me! I've been trying to get ahold of you for almost two weeks!

Night: What do you mean by 'two weeks'? Crim and I have only been gone for five days.

Blue: No! You've been missing for two weeks! I remember the police saying you were missing, and that was two weeks ago.

Night: Blue, let me start out now. I am so sorry I haven't made any contact with you, my phone hasn't been getting your calls or messages. I'm trying to lay low until I can come and explain to you what happened and why I'm gone. Even where I'm staying. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me. I love you, miss you, I'll see in a week or so somewhere around July 23rd. OK?

Blue: Yes I forgive you, love you too, see you in a week I guess. Bye, Night.

Night: Bye, Blue.

***end phone convo***

I hung up the phone and looked at each and every one of the pasta.

"Does anyone wanna explain his we've been here two weeks?" I asked leaning back on the couch, throwing my right leg over my left, and crossing my arms.

I glanced at Slender and he looked away.

"I'm waiting for an answer!" I said hatefully.

All the pasta fiddlled with their thumbs and avoided eye contact. Which was a good move for everyone.

"Fine. Be that way." I said a went upstairs to chance my clothes.

Instead of the sweat pants and elbow length sleeves I decided o something more comfortable, something easy to move in. I decided on a black crop top, my black and white converse, and mid thigh jean shorts with a red plaid button up tied around my waist by the sleeves.

(See picture at chapt. Beginning.)

I pulled my hair up into a pony tail, and crossed over the side bangs to hang in in front of my right eye. I applied a bit of mascara and eyeliner before walking downstairs. As I reached the last step I heard arguing. It sounded like Jeff and Slender, but why would they be arguing? I laned on the soft carpet and walked straight for the door.

"Night? Where are you going?" Crim asked.

"Just...out. Not necessarily to see anybody. Just going out to....wander." I said softly.

Before anyone could say anything more I walked out the door. I walked through the trees, just looking for somewhere sweet to sit, somewhere I could just indulge in my surroundings. After a moment more of walking I found a beautiful blue lake, flowers grouped around it in places, the grass a deep rich green. I smiled and ploped down, my back pressed against the tree. I softly weaved my fingers in the slightly taller grass, softly dragging my finger tip along the bumpy, yet cooled dirt. I softly wrapped myself in the sweet scent of grass, dirt, water, and trees. I crawled onto my hand and knees to the sweet sweet lake, and dipped my hand in. I moved my hand slowly and it made the lake's stilled water ripple. I smiled to myself knowing, no matter how much bad is in this world....somewhere there is beauty. I sat back and looked at one of the orange flowers by the side of the lake.  I held one gently letting my finger tips brush over the soft petals. I heard the soft crunch of grass and looked up to see Slender walking towards me. Once he stood directly in front of me I looked up and smiled at him. He smiled back and sat down next to me.

"So I see you found my lake?" He said.

I nodded and smiled into the water. My bangs fell into my eye and Slender softly pushed them out of my eye. I smiled at him again.

"How did you find it?" He asked.

"I didn't really find just I don't know....lead me here." I said and looked back at the clear water.

"What do you mean?"

"I've always had this...connection...with the trees I guess. Since I was little it was like they accepted me. When I needed someone most I would sit and cry in a tree but somehow the more I appricated nature....the more it appricated me. It respected me like I respected it. My whole life was filled with pain, and sorrow but the more I came to love the outside world it.....taught me. It....showed me....that no matter how much hate, anger, or bad is in the world.....somewhere the is a beatuty that can't be matched." I whispered softly.

Slender sat there, shocked at they was I described the way I see things. After he came out of his trance he pulled me close to him.

"You are so correct. The always is a beauty in every corner of the world, and you my princess are one if those that cannot be matched."

I just smiled and laid on his chest smiling, loving every moment of this.

"Thank you, Slendy." I whispered.

"You're welcome darling, I love you." He whispered back.

"I love you, too."

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