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You awake in your room. The room you call your own is bland, plain white with a simple bed and bookshelf. You remembered, although fuzzy, that you were supposed to meet your childhood friend outside later. You let out a yawn, stretched, and grabbed your coat, and put it on. you left your home, blinking the harsh sun out of your eyes.

"Hey there!" a voice from behind you called.

You turned around just in time to see Sayori nearly tackle you in a hug.
Sayori charged up to you, but retained her composure, opting to wave at you instead, bouncing on her heels in excitement.

you couldn't help but smile. you and Sayori had been friends since elementary school, almost inseparable as the principal called them.

"I overslept again, don't tell me you got impatient and started walking to school alone, are you?" Sayori inquired, her mouth curving into a small frown.

You nod, shamefully, but Sayori attempts bravely to look like she doesn't mind. "The Literature club is after school today, I hope you show up, since Natsuki is bringing cupcakes!" She said, cheerily, before grabbing your arm, and dragging you to school, telling you just how much fun the book club is, her words lost in her excitement.

you couldn't help but smile slightly, she was always so happy to see everyone, making friends and finding the best in each and every person she met.

As you and Sayori said your goodbyes for the school day, you couldn't help but hope that the book club was worth the wait.


As you speed walked down the hall to the room Sayori told you about, you couldn't help but feel some kind of excitement. Eventually, you reached a door at the far end of the hall, which was cracked slightly open.

As you pushed on it, the door swung open slowly to a small group of familiar people.

Sayori turned to you with a big grin on her face, and waved, Natsuki gave you a scowl and turned away, Yuri gave you a shy wave, and Monika approached you, putting her hands on your shoulders, and steering you to an empty chair.

"Pleased to see you! Take a seat, please!"

You take a seat, (not that you had a choice) and set your bag down on the ground, getting comfortable.

Monika cleared her throat. "Great to see you all again, or for one of us, for the first time!"

Monika made direct eye contact when she said that, giving you a sweet smile, but something about her tone made you feel odd.

Sayori made a comment that took your mind off of Monika's tone.

"Wait, didn't Natsuki bring cupcakes?"

Natsuki grumbles, but Yuri nods.

"Oh! Please, go grab them, Natsuki."

Natsuki mumbled something under her breath, but stood up, and grabbed a foil covered tray from off the counter.

She lifted the foil off the top and...

"Tah dah." Natsuki grumbles quietly.

The cupcakes were decorated like cats, with obvious, immense love and care put into them.

Sayori grabs one and grins, taking a bite.

Natsuki stares at you from the corner of her eye, but as soon as she notices you looking, looks away, blushing.

You take a small bite, and you can't believe just how fluffy and sweet the cupcake is.

While you ate the absolutely amazing cupcake, Monika approached you.

"So, why are you here? Standard question, don't worry."

You don't have the heart to tell her that you were practically dragged here by Sayori.

"W-well, I'm..."

Monika just chuckles at your stutter. "It's ok if you don't know."

Monika turns away, and addresses the other 3 people in the club. "Alrighty, we're gonna write some poems today, as a nice way to compliment each other, the new guy will go first, are we all ok with that?"

"B-But I don't-"
Natsuki cuts you off harshly. "Well if you don't write why are you here?"

"Natsuki, be nice." Monika commented back, giving Natsuki a quick glare.

You just sigh, and fumble for a pencil, before realizing you left yours back in your classroom, probably forgetting it after you stared at a wall for 10 straight minutes.

Yuri walks up behind you.

"Hey.... Did you forget a pencil? It's ok if not, I was just... checking..."

"I did, do you happen to have a spare?"

Yuri hands you a pencil and darts off shyly, sitting down nearby.

Time was a blur, you hardly realized what you were writing half the time. Most of it was half-hearted compliments to people you hardly know.

Monika wandered around, looking down at your paper, sometimes giving you helpful tips, but the words hardly came fluidly. Sayori watched you write, smiling as your pencil started to move more efficiently as you eventually got the hang of writing.

After a tedious half hour, Monika got everyone's attention.

"Times up, we're going to be sharing your poems now!"
You stand up, and look at the poem you wrote. So many grammar and spelling mistakes it's not even funny, but you were understandably nervous.

Sayori walks up beside you, and looks at the paper.

"Hey, that looks good!" She says as she pats your shoulder. "Proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone... which is being lazy at home, isn't it?"

You look away, feeling your face turn red, but Sayori just laughs. "Just teasing, go give it to Yuri, she might need to be cheered up a bit, or Natsuki, she might like it! Or maybe Monika!"

Monika is just watching you quietly, smiling.

Eventually, you walked up to Natsuki, and put the paper on her table. She looked up at you, and then down at the paper.

"E-eh?! I don't.... Why are you giving this to me!? It's... it's so messy-!" Natsuki said, glaring up at you, but you could tell by how she instantly started to blush that she was flattered.

"Go give it to Yuri, she might like it more..."

Picking up the paper, you walked up to Yuri, who jumped as you got her attention.

"O-oh... thanks but- I think you should give it to Sayori, she's... your best friend, after all"

Grabbing the paper, you attempted to walk up to Sayori, who just shook her head.

"Well, there's always tomorrow to give it to someone. It's almost time to leave, after all. Do y'wanna walk me home?"

You pause, and than nod slowly, before Sayori waves to the rest of the group, who wave back with a smile.

"I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!" Monika chirped, giving you a smirk.

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