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 You were late, which was something you didn't want to ever be. As you dashed down the hallway to the literature club, you felt some kind of dread as you neared it.

When you got to the door, Yuri opened it, and gave you a gentle smile.

"Hey! Welcome in."

Yuri pulls you off to the side for a second as you enter the room.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I wasn't really... there. Mentally, I mean."

You nod skeptically.

"Would you want to have tea with me today? Could be relaxing while Monika and Natsuki start on the Festival stuff."

"... I guess??"

Yuri grins, and drags you off to Natsuki's closet.

She gets the tea set started, but as you're waiting, you notice something in her pocket.

"What's that?"

Yuri turns, and feels around in her pocket quickly.

"Oh! Its... a pen... hah...."

"Wait... is that... MY pen?"

"Really?" Yuri says with a frown, before looking at your pen.

"Yeah, it is."

She grabs the pen, and her cheeks flush.

"I-it fell out of your pocket yesterday so I took it and... I... I wrote a poem with it..."

You hold out your hand, and she places it in your palm.

"A-and now you're touching the pen... haah... I do like... how it... writes... heh..."

Suddenly, you aren't too sure you want this pen anymore with what Yuri did with it.

Yuri turns around and fishes around her bag as you stuff your pen in your pocket, and just as you get it in the pocket, she turns around, and hands you a teacup.

You take a sip, and almost gag. What kind of tea is this?!

Yuri chuckles, and sits down, sipping on the tea.

You sit in silence for a little while, until Yuri grabs your arm, and hoists you to your feet.

Her grip is surprisingly strong, you can't break free. Yuri's breathing hastens, and she leans in closer.

"Haah.... My... my heart... it won't stop pounding... can't calm down or focus at all anymore... Can you feel it?!"

She presses her hand onto her chest, and you try to jerk free, but you can hardly move, her grip is numbing your arm now.

"But why me, what did I do to feel like I'm losing my MIND!? I don't... I don't want to read anymore... I just want to look at you."

You wrench your arm free from Yuri, and the mad gleam in her eyes fade.

"O-oh... I'm... sorry... I've been... hyperactive lately... I hope I didn't startle you."

Something about her tone now was familiar, like an old friend you hadn't seen in ages remembering who you were.

Monika and Natsuki opened the closet door, and made eye contact with you, and then Yuri.

The other two girls share a glance, shut the door and walk away, seemingly not wanting to intervene with whatever they walked into.

"I... wrote something." you mumble as you pull a piece of paper out of your pocket.

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