ACT 3: W E D N E S D A Y

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Your eyes open slowly, and you blink a few times, trying to make sense of where you were, recognizing it as your living room after a few seconds. You sit up, rubbing your eyes, and looking at the dozing Monika. You thought it was weird that you didn't wake up in your room again, but at this point, it didn't really matter. You scroll through your phone quietly as Monika dozes off.

You attempt to send a text to anyone you know, but it doesn't deliver, which surprises you. It really seemed like Monika really didn't want you to leave here at all.

You sit in silence, jumping a bit when Monika yawns, stretching.

"Morning..." she yawns, rubbing her eyes.

"You seem well rested for once, guess you didn't dwell on them too bad last night, huh?"

You've started to get tired of Monika mentioning the other 3 like they were insects to be exterminated. You just nod, however, and Monika does her thing to get breakfast, like she's always done.

You reach for the waffles, and eat them, going over your plan once more in your mind.

"I wouldn't mind sleeping like that again, I hope my legs weren't too hard, I set you down on them so you wouldn't have rolled off of my shoulder."

"I sleep heavy, I would have been fine." you mumble, staring blankly at the dark TV screen, not sure if you even want background noise.

Monika chortled, going back to reading the book she had very suddenly obtained, flipping through it idly.

"I want it to go back to how it was." you say again, before you can stop yourself.

Monika tenses up, and turns to you, her emerald eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"But it's amazing here, nothing to bother you at all! Hell, you won't even age here, since time loops forever, back to the day this all started." she responds, setting her book down.

"There's no point then, I could just throw myself into the void when I get tired of this."

Monika's calm expression turns to one of sheer horror.

"Y-you can't do that! It'll kill us both!"

"Who's stopping me? I can do it right now if I wanted to." you hiss as you stand up from the couch.

Monika stands, grabbing your arm. "D-DON'T! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE LEFT, I'M NOT LOSING YOU!"

You glare down at the frightened Monika, watching as a single tear slides down her cheek.


"Fine, whatever." you grumble, sitting back down on the couch.

Monika sniffles, and wipes her eyes, storming off to the literature club, leaving you alone in your home again.

After the silence gets too heavy to bear, you follow Monika, hearing the door close behind you as soon as you enter. You turn back to it in alarm, and then back to the room, seeing Monika in her school uniform sitting at a simple wooden table, with a second chair facing her.


You sit down, facing Monika, who has a distressingly neutral expression on her face.

"If you aren't happy with me normally, you'll be happy here instead."


"I did everything I could for you, and yet you weren't satisfied. I gave you EVERYTHING, I was your friend when it all started falling apart, and yet you can't even muster a THANKS in response. All you want is to further your own goals, and see your 'friends' again."

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