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  Sayori met you outside your classroom, and followed you to the club's room, chattering almost non stop about how excited she was that you had finally joined a club this year, like you said you would..

You sat down in the chair you had yesterday. Class was a blur today, you hardly remembered most of what you learned, except in english, where you paid attention for once, trying to grasp some better ways to write.

Monika waved and smiled, Natsuki scoffed and turned away with a 'hmph!', and Yuri waved shyly.

"So, I think we should all share our poems, since writing yesterday took up most of the time we had together."
The group nods, and everyone looks at you.

They wanted you to share yours first.

You stumbled on your words, trying to convince someone else to share first, but Monika's piercing gaze wasn't giving you any options other than going first.

You clear your throat, and slide it over to Yuri, who read it slowly, giving you a small smile after passing it to Natsuki, who grew more red with almost every word, but ended it with a glare, and said it was 'ok'. Monika didn't react much, and Sayori smiled the entire time, giving you a thumbs up when it was over.

You folded it as neatly as you could when it was over, and stuck it in your pocket.

"That was lovely. Now, would we like to share the poems we wrote?"

The room grew quiet.

Eventually, Sayori slid the poem she wrote towards you.

You picked it up, and read it, feeling your face turn redder with each word.

Was this really how she saw you? It's... kinda flattering...

"It's lovely, thank you." you say, putting it in the middle of the table. Sayori turned to Monika with a beaming smile.

Yuri looked down at her Poem, and tried to quickly ball it up, but Monika noticed.

"Yuri, I'm sure what you wrote is just fine."

"I-I don't...-"
You gave Yuri a gentle look, and that seemed to calm her nerves just a bit.

Yuri looked away, and reluctantly handed the poem to you.

You read it slowly, taking in each word. It was amazingly written, you could tell that care was put into this poem.

After several quiet minutes, you looked up at Yuri, keeping your hand on the paper, utterly lost for words.

"D-did you like it? I'm not good at writing..."

You nod, smiling.

"Mine next!" Natsuki said as she shoved her poem into your arms.

Natsuki's poem was clearly hastily written, but it wasn't too awful.

"Thanks for uh.... Let me read your poems." you said, looking at the small pile in front of you.

Monika looked up at the clock. "That took a shorter amount of time than anticipated... I guess we can just do whatever, since I didn't have anything planned for the club."

You dragged your desk into a corner, and pulled out your phone, and started to play some crappy mobile game. This didn't last long, however, as Natsuki walked up beside you, and did her best to get your attention.

"Hey uh... you wouldn't mind if I... showed you where I read, would you?"

You pause, and think for a moment, before nodding.

Natsuki enters the closet with some pillows and blankets on the ground, and a whole shelf of manga.

"This... might come as a surprise to you, but... I read a lot in my spare time." Natsuki says as she grabs a Manga off the shelf, and plops down in a nest of pillows.

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