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 You pull up a chair, and wait for the rest of the club to arrive. Your last period teacher let your class out early, so you beat even Monika here. After the bell rings, Yuri quietly enters, jumping when she realizes you're in here as well.

"O-oh, hey... I didn't expect you to be here just yet, usually you're here with Sayori..."

Yuri reaches into her backpack, and pulls out a book, dusting off the cover gently.

"I uh... found this book, thought you might like it..." she says, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

You take the book in your hands, and look at the beautiful cover, bearing the title The Portrait of Markov. You look up at her, and then at the price tag on the book's spine.

"Did you buy this for me?" you ask, looking into Yuri's beautiful purple eyes..

"Oh no! Of course not! I-I would... ehh.. M-maybe I did buy it for you..."

"I wouldn't mind if we read it together, since I know you like reading." you say quietly as you grab a second chair for Yuri to sit in.

Yuri puts her hand on yours hesitantly, as a gentle way to tell you 'wait'.

"I might read on the floor since I have... back pain..."

"Well, you might just have bad reading posture." you say, shrugging.

"Yes, that's it..." Yuri mumbles, blushing a bit.

She takes a seat, leaning against the wall under the window., and opens the book. You sit down next to her, and lean on her shoulder, following along.

Reaching into your pocket, you pull out a bar of chocolate you forgot you had. Yuri looked at it, then went back to reading. You ate a piece, before offering one to Yuri.

"O-oh, that's sweet but... I can't really... hold it."

You think for a moment. "Here, let me try something..."

You put the chocolate between her lips, causing her to become extremely flustered. She slowly draws closer after eating it, before...


You and Yuri quickly turn to look at Monika, who's staring down at you with an expression you can't quite read.

"I didn't expect you two here so early."

"I got out early." you respond, ceasing to lean on Yuri's shoulder.

Natsuki enters before Monika can interrogate you, and Sayori follows, although with the bags under her eyes, it looks like she hardly slept at all last night.

Yuri closes the book, and goes to sit down, leaving a seat open next to her, and gives you a gentle smile, inviting you to sit down. You sit down in between ber and Natsuki, who is scribbling something on a small piece of paper. Natsuki, after her pencil topped with a cat eraser ceases moving, slides the small slip of paper. It's a phone number, presumably hers.

Yuri looks at the paper, and then shoots a glare at Natsuki, before hastily scribbling on a small piece of paper as well, sliding it towards you.

Monika got everyone's attention before another fight between Yuri and Natsuki could break out.

"The festival is on Sunday, and we have yet to fully prepare! So I think we could spend today getting started, yes?"

Monika Sayori, who was dozing off again, bolts upright.

"I'll help!" Sayori yelped, clearly just trying to appear like she was paying attention.

Monika looks at Sayori. "Well, that's one of us that wants to help."

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