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You wake up in your room, and rub your head. What a strange dream... you had a dream that Yuri stabbed herself to death and... Monika... well, Monika was certainly strange.

You yawn, and crawl out of bed, and check your clock.

You groan, and open your door, walking down your stairs.

In the living room is... no... no it can't be her... what is Monika doing in your house!?

You quietly move to the kitchen, and draw a knife from the knife block, sneaking up behind Monika.

"I know you're back there, you can stop trying." she muses, turning around to look at you.

"Nice house." Monika chirps with a stretch.

"Shut up." you hiss back, keeping the knife in your hand.

"Oh, you don't need to do that, dearie." Monika says as she stands up, and once again disarms you. "You might hurt yourself~!"

You shove Monika's arms away, and sit down on the couch.

"So, as I said yesterday, now that those.... Distractions are out of the way~"

Monika sits down next to you, uncomfortably close, her thigh against yours as she leans in, holding your hand. You wrench your arm away, and glare at her. Monika just smiles, and leans on your shoulder.

"It's so quiet here... quite nice, just you and me."

You have a single burning question you have to ask. "What did you do to them?"

Monika giggles, and leans in closer. "I got them out of our way~"

"That didn't answer my question, what did you do to them?"

"Oh, I can't answer that. Why don't you and me spend some quality time together! I wrote another poem, like you asked me to!"

"... whatever." you grumble, standing up to grab something to eat.

You fumble around in the cabinet, finding nothing you want to eat, so you retreat back to the couch, noticing Monika somehow has breakfast bagels now.

"Where did you-"
"I have my ways." she responds, offering one to you.

You hesitate, and Monika chuckles gently, putting it into your hand, your fingers closing around it.

"C'mon, I didn't poison it!"

"I don't trust you."

"But I'm all you have left now~"

You eventually hesitantly open the bagel, and eat it. It's fresh, but that shouldn't be possible. Monika smiles.

"See? You're ok!"

"Thanks... I guess." you mumble, walking over to the window to look outside.

Outside looks normal, with a bird hopping around your lawn. You get bored rather quickly, and walk to the door, grabbing the handle to get some fresh air.

You open it slowly, and...

"What... the hell?"
Outside of your front door is the literature club.

You turn to Monika after shutting the door, but are at a loss for words.

"I'm not letting you get away from me that easily." she chortles.

"You know, you still haven't answered my question." you say as you elect to ignore her not letting you 'get away from her that easily.'

"Well, if you want to know so badly, I deleted them."

You pause. "What do you mean 'deleted'?"

"Gone, reduced to nothing, poof." Monika chirps, making a poof motion with her hands.

"So you... kill my friends and then try to make me forget about all of them?"

"Oh no! I'd never do that, I just made the ones you were attached to unlikable, and when that didn't work, I got rid of them until you had no choices other than me!"

"You made Sayori KILL- !" you yell, glaring at Monika's stupid, serene expression, but the memory of it stings too much for you to be reasonably upset.

"She did that on her own terms, I just... tinkered with her a bit." Monika says with a smirk.

"What do you mean 'tinkered'?"

"How do I put this for someone like you... we all have... little parts of us I can edit, and..."

You don't really care for an explanation anymore, so you just open the door into the literature club, enter, and look around, taking in everything, trying to hold onto what memories of the other 3 you have.

Hey, that's where you made cupcakes with Natuski, and that table with the dented leg is where you helped Sayori button up her blazer, and that banner in the corner is the one you and Yuri made that day she kissed you. That closet is where you read with Natsuki, where she almost kissed you as well, a-and that's the wall where you read a book with Yuri, and... that stack of brochures are the ones Sayori made.

You wipe a tear out of your eye, you're longing for everything to go back to normal again.

You walk up to the banner, and look at it, but something is off about it, random letters are bolded, and some letters are just there for seemingly no reason.

D... E... L... E... T... E... H... E... R.

You make a mental note of that phrase, but it seems too cliche for it to be genuinely helpful information. For all you know, it could just be Monika trying to lower your guard.

"Whatcha lookin at?" Monika suddenly asks, causing you to jump.

"Just... trying to feel at home again." you lie, but deep down, it's not a lie.

This was the place where you felt the most welcomed at school, everyone was happy to see you when you walked into the door, there was never a "oh, this guy again" or "why does he even come here?". You so deeply desire to want to go back to how it was, even listening to Yuri and Natsuki argue wouldn't be too bad at this point.

"Hey, get your head out of the clouds." Monika says, snapping her fingers under your nose.

You look up at her. "I want to go back to how it was."

cWe can't do that, it's so much better without the others. All you need is me, after all, look, I can even look like them!"

Monika changes to Yuri, with holes in her uniform from where she stabbed herself, her eyes glassy, and then to Natsuki, with a cracked neck, and then Sayori, pale and glassy eyed with a red mark at the top of her neck.

"S-stop." you whisper, looking at the floor.

"But isn't this what you wanted? To see them again?!" Monika says as she stops wearing the faces of your friends.


Monika pauses, looking a little hurt, but she regains her composure, and chuckles. .

"You're cute when you're scared." Monika muses, pinching your cheek gently.

You shove her hand away, and walk back to the living room, sitting down on the couch, staring at the coffee table blankly. Monika sits down next to you.

"I hope you enjoy your time with me, since I sure am."

You can't muster a response, all you can do is feel yourself slowly drift off, once again seeing Monika's emerald green eyes when yours are closed, a single phrase echoes through your mind.

"Just Monika."

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