ACT 4: The End

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You open your eyes, and sit up, turning to your clock.


Did... did it not work?? You stand up, and hesitantly open your door, and walk down the stairs.

In the kitchen is your mom, who turns and smiles, and you can't help but smile back. You get your school stuff packed up, and wave goodbye, walking to school, the sun warming you quickly.

"Hey there!" a familiar voice hollers, and the sound of shoes on concrete near you. You turn around and are tackled in a back-breaking hug by Sayori.

"So great to see you again!" Sayori cheerily says, backing up and smiling. "C'mon! The literature club meets today, and we need one more member to make it a legit club!"

You feel a bit of hesitation, but you get over it. "Sure, I'd love to join the club, Sayori."

Sayori lets out a happy squeal, and almost hugs you again, but keeps her cool, and grabs your arm, dragging you to school, talking about how fun it's going to be.

You both go your separate ways for the school day, the excitement becoming electric as the day goes on, until the last period bell rings, and you wait for Sayori outside of her class.

"There you are! C'mon, you GOTTA meet everyone!"

Sayori drags you to a familiar hallway you'd seen in some past reality, but this reality is your reality. She opens the door, and you see familiar faces greeting you.

Natuski is sitting on a desk, chatting with Yuri, and Sayori pushes you gently towards them.

"Go on! Go say hi!"

"Uh... hey there..." you mumble.

"'Sup, dork." Natsuki says with a playful punch to the shoulder.

"Hello there." Yuri mumbles quietly, setting her hands down on her book.

"Well, we're a real club now! Which means we can participate in the festival on Sunday!" Sayori cheers.

The idea of the festival causes you to tense up, but you're sure it'll be ok this time. You look around the room, expecting Monika in the corner, but she's strangely absent.

Sayori looks at you, a small frown on her face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just... spaced out." you lie.

Natuski rolls her eyes, but Yuri pipes up.

"I know that look, he misses someone, who is it?" Yuri asks.

"... a person I knew, I think her name was Monika, she went to this school."

Sayori looks at you like you're crazy, Yuri looks a little worried, and Natsuki goes cross eyed in thought.

"There's never been a Monika here." Yuri confesses, confirming your suspicions.

Looks like Monika WAS truly deleted, right down to the memory of her in others.

Sayori clears her throat. "Anyways, what do we want to do? I can do brochures and such, and you 3 can pick what you feel like."

"I could paint a banner..." Yuri proposes quietly.

"Oh! I can make cupcakes!" Natsuki says with a smile, standing up.

Sayori smiles. "Gerat! Well, let's get to work!"

As everyone works on things, with you wandering around to help when needed, feeling silent relief wash over you. No crazed club presidents this time, just you and your friends enjoying a club together, as it should have been.

You work for a while, until almost everything is prepared, but you have one last idea.

"Hey, do we want to take a picture real quick? Just to commemorate the first real club meeting?"

"That'd be a great idea!" Sayori says, beaming, grabbing her phone.

"Alright... bring it in guys!" Sayori says with a smile, making a peace sign with her fingers.

Everyone groups up, and Sayori takes the photo.

"Love it!" the new club president, Sayori cheers, showing it to you and the others.

You can't help but smile, but in the background, you notice a pair of green eyes, but they look... happy, but nobody else seems to catch them, other than you.

At least Monika isn't too mad anymore, you think to yourself as Sayori puts her phone back into her bag.

You say your goodbyes, and head home with Sayori, who's talking about her plans for expanding the club, making motions for her hands as she envisions her plans.

You just chuckle, and wave goodbye, but before you set your coat down, something in your pocket catches your eye.

A pink pen with a heart tip, one you recognize instantly.

Monika's pen. Seems she hasn't truly left you alone.

You just sigh, and set it onto your desk to deal with later, going downstairs.

You'd felt that you've had enough poetry for this week.

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