That One Visit

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Sure, hiatus is hiatus. That never meant the following however: Izumi staying back and just letting those guys and Naru–Chan off the hook. Especially not when they had to put in a bit more effort due to him missing out on some idol activities. He didn't slack off either of course, trying his best to keep up with his usual routine and to be in tip top shape! Sure, he is living under the same roof as a literal sloth but that didn't stop him! He had his routine and that was that! Nothing could stop him! Not like someone was going to anyway.

Regardless, today marks one of the days where he would check up on his unit mates, right when they were practicing. They better not be slacking off after all! Or he would make sure to give them a good earful and whip them into shape if he really has to! He has the time after all. But would he get the chance to? Of course not. Because the moment the guys would even notice him the first one to dash over to him would be Naru–Chan, her looking so excited whenever seeing her childhood friend. And it was always overwhelming.

"Haha, look who decided to show up just now~!" She even announced which made the others turn without hesitation. The next one jumping in was Leo, always.

"Oh, Sena! Hello hello! We're doing juuust fine~ See see? And yes, I've not forgotten one meal ever since your absence! Wahaha!" He announced, always loving to point the last part out like a little kid.

"You better..." Izumi only sighed, having no longer any words left for this. That Leo managed to pull his own though... Impressive. That or the others took over that duty in the meantime. One of those things... As long as Leo was still alive and didn't run off.

" Guys ! Would you give Sena–Senpai some space!?" Kasa–Kun was always around for that, ready to prevent a possible escalation... Yet he was always too late. Then again, not like anyone could manage them to begin with. It was a lot on a little boy like him probably. "Besides, we still have something to discuss."

"Aww, come on Tsukasa–Chan. Just for a little while? It won't be long." Naru–Chan countered, as upbeat as she liked to present herself.


"Let them Suu–Chan. They're just excited to see Secchan." Kuma–Kun interrupted, trying to calm Kasa–Kun down perhaps. "Well, things have been a little different without him around. I see why not."

"Hah, fine... Don't make it too long though." The youngest seemed to give in way too easily into those demands.That or he just didn't have the energy... Which was understandable.

"Oh, are you delivering another bento?" Leo asked with no hesitation. "Sena, did you forget where the office was? And I thought I'm forgetful!"

"Wha— No! Do you see anything in my hands!?" Izumi responded. Where was that coming from!?

"Juuust wondering~"

"Ugh... I'm here to check up on you guys."

"Aww, you're still thinking of us. How sweet of you~" Naru–Chan said rather teasingly, then chuckling. "But we're doing fine. You don't have to worry about us."

"Fine can mean a lot of things with you guys..." He countered. "No, really. It can mean more than you might think..."

"You don't trust us anymore? My, how hurtful Izumi–Chan."

"Don't twist my words around! Can't I come here just because!?"

"Just because huh~ How unusual Secchan." Ugh, now Kuma–Kun was joining in on this. "Are you missing us already~?"

"I... In... Not even in your dreams!" His lips would deny with a huff yet the words were not entirely true. 'Missing them' would be a bit of a stretch but he does enjoy his time with them. That much was true. So perhaps he was going to look forward to these days once more.

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