Chapter 49

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Matrix's P.O.V

"You like cooking?"

The chef was helping me through and through. He told me how Ruby usually likes her food. There are times when I ask about how I should chop certain vegetables like garlic and onion, if it was better spring-y or diced.

"Yes, I used to cook back in my home country. I liked it when people complimented my cooking."

"Do you not want to become a chef then?"

He was looking at me as I try to plate Ruby's dinner. Even though I was a pretty good, might I add, cook, I suck at plating. I was not visually creative - that was my sister's job. I even suck at color theory. A child is better than me in that aspect.

"I did, at some point."

"What stopped you?"

I stepped aside and let him examine my plate. He snickered, laughing at my attempt to beautify the plate, which I had failed knowingly. I let out an embarrassed chuckle before he gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"I can give you plating lessons, if you want it." he gave me a wide grin, which made me think that he was looking forward to giving me lessons.

"Yes, please. I would very much appreciate that."

"Sure, kiddo. Just come by when you're not busy."

"Yes, sir."

"You should go now. I doubt Miss Ruby would want to eat your food if it's cold."

"Yes, thank you again."

I hurried to Ruby's room, wishing for dear life that she's okay with a semi-cold food. I pursed my lips and knocked on her door, putting on my stoic facial expression. She opened the door with her silk nightgown. My eyes almost popped out of my sockets.

Her thick thighs and her ass was there for me to grab, but I stopped myself. I was hurt, and I don't want to get hurt again. I never thought I'd fall so hard for someone I wasn't in a relationship with.

I made sure that I wasn't looking at her, and she made sure to go into my field of vision. I know what she was doing, and I was sure that she knows that I knew. It was okay for her to toy with me while she goes out with another guy? Was that what was happening?

"Your dinner, Ma'am."

"Great. You can put it on the table and wait for me to finish, so you can bring it back to the kitchen." I grinded my teeth and breathed in.

"Yes, Ma'am."

I did as she told and sat on the carpet. That fuzzy carpet that I missed so much. My palms instantly made contact with the softness and I swear I looked like a cat at the moment, rubbing my 'paws' on the carpet, but I didn't care. This was what I missed the most in her room, her carpet, not Ruby - nope, not Ruby. Definitely not Ruby, not her juice ass and her thick thighs that I want to choke me- too far.

"Looks weird,"

"Don't judge me. I will be taking lessons from the chef when I have free time."

"For me?" her face lit up when I said that I was taking lessons. She must've thought that I was learning for her.

"No, so that in the future, people won't make fun of my plating." I shot down her suggestive smirk with the reality.

"Eh, doesn't bother me. I'd still be the one that benefits from it."

"Just eat your food, Ruby. Now, it's all cold."

"I don't mind eating cold food, as long as it's delicious."

She starts digging in and did a little dance after the first bite. A small smile escaped my lips. As soon as I realized that I was smiling, I looked away and started feeling the carpet again, not sparing Ruby another glance.

My heart skipped a bit when I saw her dance.

"You know, this food isn't cold."


"It's still hot."

"Oh, that's good." I sighed in relief.

"Why? You worried that I might not like the food that you cooked?" I scrunhed my nose at her and shot down her insinuation.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you're a customer and I just want to satisfy my customer."

"You can satisfy me in other ways, Matrix." she was rather sultry when she said my name.

I had to clench my jaw to stop it from opening and spurting nonsense. I had to calm down. Ruby was attractive, and she knew that in my eyes, she was one fine fillet mignon. I looked away, not daring to say anything.

"You're harder to crack than the first time."
"Well, pain is involved at the moment, so I don't think I'm easy."

"I'm not saying you're easy."

"Then what are you saying?"

"I'm saying it's not what you think it-"

"Please, stop. I don't want to hear anymore."

I have had enough. Does she not think that it wasn't enough? I was a jealous person, and when I saw that someone else was touching her, I lost it. I wanted to shoot that person right then and there and tell him that he was touching my woman, but I wasn't allowed to do that for more than one reason.

I hear her sighing and continued eating. The clanking of her utensils and her chewing and her picking her phone up and putting it back down again was the only noise that I could hear. We were silent, and it wasn't the same awkward silence we have when we were in the car.

"Is tomorrow friday?"

"Yes," I answered. The more brief my answer was, the faster I was done here.

"Starting tomorrow, you're going to eat with me every lunch, and I won't accept any excuses."

Was she trying to kill me? What if I see her with that guy? Didn't she say that if he was bothering her, I would be the first one that she tells it to? That I was going to be the one that saves her from that asshole? But she didn't tell me. He wasn't bothering her? So, they actually were having a moment that I ruined?

"With all due respect, Miss Ruby, I doubt you'd need two escorts to eat lunch peacefully. Ma'am."

She faced me, crossing her legs in front of me. Since I was on the floor, I saw a sneak peek of her lacey underwear before it closed. I gulped as I glanced at heaven after some time. I looked away, trying to act tough and totally ordinary.

"If I remember correctly, I didn't ask for your input, Matrix. Am I not the boss? Or do we have to have this conversation all over again?" I kissed my teeth and nodded, giving up.

"No, Ma'am. I apologize."

"Good. Bring this back, I'm done."

I stood up and was about to grab the plate when she pulled me by the wrist and kissed me on the cheek. She winked at me before proceeding to lay on her bed with her ass sticking out. I stared a few good seconds at her beautiful ass before snapping out of it and washed the dishes out of habit.

"Matrix? Why are you washing the dishes?" I was in a daze because of the kiss and because of Ruby's ass. I shook my head, scolding my own mind for spacing out.

"Oh, I thought you guys wanted to rest early and washed it so you can go ahead and rest." she looked at the sink in bewilderment.

"Uhm, we still haven't eaten yet, so you're also washing the pans at the moment."

I didn't even notice. I was halfway done washing what the chef used earlier. If she hadn't said anything, I would've been doing their part of the job. It was okay for me, but they were strict when it came to work. The Lims were generous when it came to paying their employees, so the employees took it to themselves to earn their salary.

"I-I see. I'm sorry. Excuse me." I gave her a sheepish smile before going back to my room and threw myself on the bed.

"What the fuck is happening?" 

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