001, "A night to remember."

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- Reader's POV -

Sipping on the cold caramel Frappuccino, Kazuha made her way towards the black Porsche which was parked just in front of the coffee shop she had just visited and unlocked it with a swift press of her key fob. Ah, the familiar scent of the car's leather interior embraced her as she slid into the driver's seat, easily.

She fiddled with the green straw in her drink, her thoughts drifting to what lays ahead. It had just been another basic and boring busy day at work filled with meetings, paperwork, and some more meetings. Kazuha had to deal with her boss's nagging and high demands, but the high salary was the only thing keeping her from leaving.

She had the day off today, and since it was a Friday, she had no intention to do anything productive. The engine of her car hummed as she pulled the seatbelt on and started the engine. She had no particular destination, only that she was going to drive and clear her mind.

Kazuha wasn't in the mood to socialize with her friends, and she wanted some peace and quiet. Hanging out with them would be the complete opposite of that- And she wasn't in the mood to party either, even if that was the norm.

So here she was, driving in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but trees and dirt roads. It was relaxing, in a way. Her hand moved to turn the radio on, and immediately, a familiar song played. It was one of her favorites.

Ariana Grande's 'Everytime.'


A low growl came from the alpha's throat. Yunjin was angry, and rightfully so. She had been on the run for days and was wounded in the process. She was hungry, exhausted, and most importantly, injured. The wound from her side was bleeding, and her clothes were covered in a thick layer of mud.

The dark grey hair with streaks of  light grey hairs was a mess, and her normally clean appearance was in disarray. The once clean and neat black zip up sweater was now torn in various places, revealing the dirty white button-up shirt underneath which had blood stains on it.

She had just been resting by the side of a river, trying to catch a fish to eat, and just when she was about to, the sound of an approaching vehicle interrupted her. Her senses were heightened, and her body tensed up as she listened. It was a car, and it sounded like it was getting closer.

The vehicle stopped, and Yunjin's heart beats rapidly. It was too close for her comfort. She was on high alert, and the slightest movement would alarm her. She couldn't see who it was, but she knew she had to start running or else something bad would happen, and now she's here.

Lying in a puddle of her own blood, unable to move due to the pain in her abdomen. Her breaths came out in ragged gasps, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"We know you're there you cowardly wolf, come out. I don't have all day to play with you, I have places to go to. Come out, and maybe you can get a quick and easy death, if you're lucky." A voice shouted, and Yunjin's eyebrows just furrowed further, she felt anger coursing through her veins.

How dare they taunt her like that.

Her blood boiled, and she let out a low growl. She was going to show them who was the boss, and she would make them regret ever challenging her. Her wounds might kill her, but she wasn't going to back down without a fight.

"If you think you can outrun me, you're dead wrong. Your pathetic attempt at escape is useless, I can smell your blood a mile away." The person laughed mockingly. Yunjin knew she had to be cautious, and the only chance of survival was to outrun them. She could hear their footsteps getting closer, and her heartbeat was racing.

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