002, "Office Intrigues."

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- Reader's POV -

Yunjin felt almost feather light touches running up and down her legs, her stomach, and all over her torso, before a soft hand caressed her face. Her body tensed, and she was alerted by the unfamiliar presence, but the sweet scent of an omega quickly eased her. "Shhh.. You're safe now.." A voice whispered.

The voice was soft and gentle, and the omega's
pheromones were soothing. Yunjin slowly opened
her eyes, and her vision was hazy. She was lying on a bed, and the sheets were soft. She could feel the pain in her body, and the wounds were searing. "Who are you..?" She croaked, her throat dry.

"It's Kazuha, don't worry. You passed out when I carried you here.. Do you remember anything..?" Kazuha sat beside the injured woman and brushed a stray strand of hair from her face.
Yunjin could see that the woman had taken off her clothes and she felt a bit.. Well.. Revealed or maybe a little embarrassed?

"I'm naked, and you're touching me.. Why are you touching me..?" Yunjin's voice was hoarse, and her words were slurred. "I had to take your clothes off, they were covered in blood.." Kazuha explains, her voice filled with concern.

"Oh.." Yunjin mumbled, her mind was foggy, and her body was numb. She could feel the omega's touch, and it was soothing. "Let me know if it hurts.." Kazuha's hand traced down the woman's body, and she gently ran her fingers over the wound on her side. Yunjin winced in pain, and she groaned softly.

"It's okay, just breathe." Kazuha whispered, and her touch was gentle. Yunjin's breath hitched as she felt the omega's hand move lower, and lower. "You're hard.." Kazuha noted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Of course I'm hard. I'm naked, and you're touching me.." Yunjin huffs and stares at the omega.

"Fair enough, but I won't touch you, because I know that it'll make your pain worse.." Kazuha hummed, and took her hand away. "It won't hurt if you're the one touching me.." Yunjin muttered, her chestnut eyes filled with lust.

Kazuha rolled her eyes and got up from the bed. "Stop saying things like that. It's not going to work." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I can smell your arousal.." Yunjin chuckled. "Yeah, well, I can smell your horniness." Kazuha shot back, her tone sharp.

"You're a tease.." Yunjin smirked, and she could feel her cock throb. She was getting excited, and she could feel her arousal growing. "Shut up. You're injured and in pain. Your cock doesn't need any attention."

"And yet, I'm still hard.." Yunjin said, her voice husky. "Whatever, I'm not falling for your dirty tricks. You can take care of your horniness yourself." Kazuha said and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Fuck.." Yunjin muttered and let out a frustrated sigh. She was getting turned on, and she couldn't control her desires. Her hands were itching to touch the omega, and her mind was clouded with lust. She couldn't control her desire much longer, being an alpha and all made it worse.

She just wanted to touch the omega all over.. Feel every inch of her body and- Yeah.. Yunjin could feel the wetness in her pants.. And the heat growing in her belly. "Ugh, I can't fucking think straight.." She grunted and reached for her dick. She could feel the slick, and her cock was aching for relief.

Think of something else instead.. Like.. The pain! That should help. She thought and closed her eyes, it would be mad getting off in here and she wasn't thinking of doing so. Her cock was throbbing, and the slick was oozing from her tip. She was horny, and the omega's scent was driving her crazy.

Yunjin was tempted to just grab the omega and fuck her until she couldn't walk anymore. But she didn't want to risk hurting herself more, since her wounds were still healing. "Dammit.." Yunjin groaned and stared at the ceiling, her cock throbbing painfully.

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