013, "Knot Me Baby!" {M}

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"Yunjin! I'm gonna kill you!"

"Zuha, it's not my fault. That deer came out of nowhere. And the car swerved on its own, and I couldn't control it."

The alpha groans, running her hand through her hair, her expression is pained, and her voice is frustrated. She had almost messed up the omegas car and the cost would be more than her life.

"That deer is probably dead! Who gives a fuck about it, and why the hell did you swerve?! You're an idiot, a complete and utter moron, and I'm so mad at you right now." Kazuha growls, her chocolate eyes are blazing, and her tone is irritated. "Babe, your car is fine, nothing is broken. You're exaggerating."

"Exaggerating!? Are you serious?! Yunjin, you could've messed up my car, and got us killed. And where the hell is that deer?"

"It's fine, I'm fine, the car is fine, and the deer is fine. Stop stressing." Yunjin sighs, her chestnut eyes are sincere, and her voice is gentle.

"Don't be mad, let's just go on a date. I wanna spend time with you." Yunjin wraps her arm around the omega, her lips softly kissing the nape of her neck, and her chestnut eyes are warm.

Kazuha's cheeks flush, her pulse races, and her body tenses. She sighs, her expression is fond, and her chocolate eyes are sparkling. "You're right. We haven't had a proper date, not even once." The omega murmurs, her tone is soft, and her voice is shy.

"I know. But, we can go out, and we can have fun, and we can forget all the bad things, and we can just have a good time." Yunjin smiles, her tone is affectionate, and her expression is hopeful.

"Yeah, okay, let's do that."


Yunjin looks around the place and everyone's wearing fancy clothes and the atmosphere is elegant. The music was slow and soft, and the tables were covered with expensive-looking table cloths and silverware. It was a fancy restaurant. A place where only the elite and rich could afford.

"What the hell am I even doing in here?" The alpha mutters under her breath. "Yunjin, shut up, stop complaining." Kazuha glares, her tone is irritated, and her expression is unamused.

They sat across from each other, the table was small and had a fancy white cloth draped over it. Yunjin leans back, her chestnut eyes are annoyed, and her posture is relaxed.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but this is not my type of place. I mean, I could have eaten ramen at home and it would've been cheaper. I mean like at that guy over there, he's just eating some sashimi, and look at the price, 132,500 won, who the hell pays that much for a few pieces of raw fish?!" Yunjin's tone is incredulous, her chestnut eyes are annoyed, and her voice is frustrated.

"Yunjin, stop whining, you're attracting attention." Kazuha sighs, her tone is exasperated, and her chocolate eyes are sparkling.

"And the guy over there, he's just drinking a cup of tea, a fucking cup of tea, and it costs 43,800 won, a fucking cup of tea!" Yunjin exclaims, causing the other customers to look at them, whispering amongst themselves.

Kazuha face palms, and shakes her head, a small smile on her face. Yunjin was an idiot, but an idiot that she loved dearly. "What would you lovely ladies like to order today?"

"I'll have a steak and some wine please. And a side of rice." Kazuha smiles, her voice is sweet, and her expression is calm. "Yunjin, would you like anything?"

"Yeah, I'll have the same thing. But, instead of wine, give me some beer. And also no rice, and I'd like two steaks, just make em real juicy and tender. Thanks, buddy."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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