012, "Date preparation."

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"Yunjin take... This!" Eunchae swings the pillow at the alpha, hitting her on the arm. The omega was sitting cross-legged on the couch, and the alpha was standing a few feet away, a pillow in her hands.

It had been two weeks since the incident, and Yunjin was able to move freely without much pain.  The omega was still worried, and would check up on her from time to time, even though the alpha had insisted that she was fine.

The alpha was still a bit sore and would have
moments of weakness, but other than that, she was doing better. She would feel kind of dizzy too but that was only when she moved around too much or over exerted herself.

"You missed." The alpha grins, her wolf ears twitching, and her tail wagging. "What?! No, I didn't!"

"Oh, yes you did."

"No, I didn't, you big bad wolf!" Eunchae pouts, her expression is stubborn, and her voice is defiant. "Oh, really? You sure about that?" Yunjin teases, her tone is playful, and her chestnut eyes are twinkling.

Kazuha could only sigh, grabbing her cup of tea and taking a sip, while the two were at it.

"Yes! I'm sure!"

"Alright, alright. You got me. I guess you did hit me."

"Ha! Take that!"

"But, that means, you lost."

"What?! No, I didn't! I totally hit you!"

"Nope, sorry, but no. You missed."

"Argh! Stop being such a sore loser!"

"I'm not a sore loser. I'm just saying, you didn't hit me."

"But I did hit you!"

"Nope. You didn't."

Kazuha sighs again, and places her cup on the table. She glances at the two bickering women and rolls her eyes. She loved them, she really did, but sometimes, they were a pain in the ass. "Yunjin.." The alpha turns to her, her chestnut eyes are sparkling, and her tail is wagging. "Yes, Zuha?"

"Just, give her a pillow and let her win, okay? You're getting too competitive." The omega's tone is exasperated, and her expression is irritated. "But, Zuha, I was only teasing. Wanna hop in and join us? We're having a pillow fight."

"A pillow fight?"

"Yeah, a pillow fight."

"You do know I'm twenty seven, right?"

"Age is just a number, Zuha. Catch!" A pillow is thrown at the omega, hitting her in the face. Yunjin chuckles and takes a seat next to the omega, wrapping her arm around her waist, and pulling her closer.

"Hey! What the hell was that for?!" Kazuha pouts, her expression is annoyed, and her chocolate eyes are twinkling. "For being cute, and for being my mate." Yunjin places a soft kiss on the omega's lips, and smiles.

Eunchae gasps and covers her eyes. "Did you just kiss my aunt!? Ewww!!! Miss Yunjin that's homosexual behavior "

"Uhh, yeah, that's kinda the point." Yunjin chuckles, her chestnut eyes are filled with amusement, and her tail is wagging.

She turns her attention back to the omega. "Come on Zuhaaaaa~. Let's play. Let's have a pillow fight. I'll let you win." Yunjin whines, her chocolate eyes are shining, and her expression is innocent.

"Why don't we instead.. Go out.." Kazuhas cheeks flush a soft pink, and her heart is pounding. The Alpha tilts her head, her expression is puzzled, and her voice is gentle. "Go out? Go out where?"

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