011, "Guess Who's Back."

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"Ow! Fucking shit, that fucking hurts, you idiot. Do you even know what the hell you're doing!? This is not how you treat the dead, you fool, and you are no doctor! Ow!-" Yunjin finds herself lying in a hospital bed, her body is covered with bandages and her shoulder is hurting like a bitch.

Her head is pounding, and her vision is blurry. The lights are bright, and the room is quiet. Kazuha had managed to carry the unconscious alpha to the car, and drive to the nearest hospital. Her body was shaking, and her heart was racing. The drive was a blur, her eyes were filled with tears, and her hands were gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white.

"Hey, don't fucking yell at me! I'm doing the best I can. Besides, I'm a vet, not a surgeon." A voice responds. "Well then, go get a fucking surgeon! I'm not a dog, you moron! You're gonna fuck up and make my arm even worse." Yunjin glared at the woman whose name was Minnie.

"Look, you little wolf, I'm just trying to help. If you don't like it, then get out of here and let yourself bleed to death." Minnie replies, her tone is irritated, and her expression is annoyed. "Well, if I do that, then I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you until the end of time. And when I do, you'll wish you were dead."

Minnie rolls her eyes, her tone is sarcastic, and her expression is annoyed. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say, wolfy." "Ow, hey, watch it, you idiot!" Yunjin whines as soon as Minnie grabs her injured shoulder, the pain was unbearable and her stomach was doing backflips.

"You know, your girlfriend is a complete mess."

"Oh yeah, tell me about it." Yunjin scoffs, remembering the state Kazuha was in, her chocolate orbs were empty and her expression was numb.

"She was a mess, she was sobbing and crying, she was panicking, and she was yelling. She was a complete wreck, and it was all because of you." Minnie chuckles, her expression is amused, and her eyes are twinkling. Yunjin smiles softly, her chestnut eyes were filled with love and fondness. The thought of the omega being a mess because of her was sweet and adorable.

"She even threatened to kill me if I didn't save your life, she was so determined and stubborn, but at the same time, she was scared and worried, she was so scared of losing you. That woman really loves you, you know that right?" 

"The nurses outside are trying to calm her down, but she won't listen. She just keeps on insisting on seeing you, and it's honestly quite adorable."

"Huh? But let her in, I wanna see her. I can't sleep if she's not here." Yunjin frowns, her tone is impatient, and her chestnut eyes are sad. "Okay, okay. I'll go get her, just hang on." Minnie gives the alpha a small smile before turning and walking out of the room.

A few minutes later, a nurse walks into the room, her expression is concerned, and her voice is soft. "Your girlfriend is here, but she's a complete mess, are you sure you want her in here?"

"Yeah, of course. Let her in."

"Alright." The nurse opens the door and steps aside, letting the omega in. The omega was indeed a mess. A complete wreck, her face was tear-stained, and her eyes were red and puffy. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes were stained with blood.
"Y-Yunjin.." Kazuha chokes out, her voice is weak, and her chocolate eyes are filled with sadness.

"Zuha.." Yunjin whispers, her expression is relieved, and her chestnut eyes are sparkling. "Oh god, you're alive.. You're alright.." Kazuha's voice breaks, her eyes are filled with tears, and her heart is racing. "I'm fine, Zuha. I'm alright, I'm alive, don't worry, baby."

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