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hello sweethearts~

we are here with chapter 1



life becomes sorrow after you lose all precious things and people of your life, those whom i lost were the reason i was alive and this body is just lifeless, i again want to hear those two people calling me, "princess?" "noona?". 

"mam, we reached" i opened my eyes as i saw that i'm in car, i send away my melancholy and got out of car, my gaze went on my best friend Areum, a small smile spread on my lips, i saw her waving her hands towards me in excitement. she started running towards me while crossing the road. 

my breath got hitched when i saw a car coming in her direction, a yell left my mouth,"Areum!" but that car hit her and it stopped a little bit ahead, my world stopped i saw her lying on road, her white dress getting soaked into her own blood pool. 

i quickly ran towards her, i sat down keeping her head on my lap, my hands were trembling, there wasn't any tears in my eyes but it was hurting, people surrounded us, i yelled looking around,"CALL THE AMBULANCE".

i saw shaking her face to wake her up despite being worried about my peach colored suit which got soaked in her blood, saw behind me and saw a man standing with few men around him, his eyes were cold. 

i ran towards him and held his collar, anger surpassing from my eyes, i saw that his men pointed gun at me but in this moment nothing is important for me not even my life, i shouted at him,"don't  you know how to drive!! I SWEAR TO GOD IF SOMETHING HAPPEN TO HER THEN, FIRST I'LL FIND YOU, SECOND I'LL KILL YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME-" i was about to say something more but i heard siren of ambulance. 

i ran towards Areum and picked her up, then went to ambulance, stretcher was already there, i kept her on the stretcher and sat in ambulance, when the door was getting close i saw that man still looking at me with burning eyes. 

i saw Areum being taken in ICU, a doctor approached towards the ward, i saw him, he is tall and his face symbolling the greek god, a pleading whisper left my mouth," her.." he took a glanced at me and went in slightly nodding his head. 

after few hours which were like eternity to me, i saw that doctor coming out, i saw read his name on his med coat, it displayed 'Min Seokjin" he said to me,"she didn't loss much blood and the injuries are not that deep so she is fine, she can get discharged till tomorrow noon" 

a feeling of relief rushed through me, i nodded and said,"thanks doc" he nodded and went passing me while giving me a small pat on my shoulder. 

i reached home, entering the pin door got unlocked, i entered inside and smell of lavender met my nostrils, i knew whose perfume it is, i entered after removing my shoes. 

someone came to me and was about to engulf me into hug but stopped after seeing blood stains on my clothes, i heard a voice asking me,"y/ this happened?" i looked at her blankly without any expressions, "it shouldn't concern you...Mrs.Kim" she felt hurt from my words but it isn't anything from what i saw 4 years ago. 

she said sternly,"i am your mom, y/n!" i too said,"but i am not your daughter" i started walking towards my room upstairs, she held my wrist and turned me, slap landed on my cheek making my head in other direction and her words echoed in house,"You must've fought again! just like in high school" 

my fingers curled into fist, i took a deep breath and removed her hand from my wrist, i turned and  said before leaving,"i am not anything like before" i left. 





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