found him

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hello sweethearts!!!

i know, its been days since i last updated, i was traveling and i am still tired  but i have to update for you all!!


y/n moved towards her classroom but her eyes spot jimin standing there glaring at someone, she went to him and tapped in his shoulders making him flinch.

he turned back only to find her sister, y/n looked in the direction where jimin was glaring few moments ago, saanvi talking to her project partner while sitting on ground came in y/n's view.

y/n asked,"so, what's going on here?" jimin answered,"nothing, lets go, i have class in your classroom only" he turned to leave but y/n held his wrist.

y/n asked,"oppa, you can tell me" jimin sighed and turned towards her, he said,"i don't know princess, yes, i find saanvi attractive and I'm the one approaching her but i don't know what's this feeling is called"

his frustrated sigh in end made y/n release a chuckled, he looked at her with frowned eyebrows, y/n asked,"do you feeling tingling feelings in your heart whenever you see her?"he nodded.

y/n asked,"does it feels like she's the only thing you want now?"he again nodded, y/n asked,"is there a burning sensation when you see her with someone else?"she looked at saanvi.

jimin looked in her direction too, he said,"yes" y/n held a very small smile and announced,"Min Jimin, you are in love"

his eyes widen at the sudden announcement, he looked at her and asked pointing towards himself,"am i in love?" y/n nodded and said patting on his shoulder,"go, now get her"

jimin smiled widely and hugged her, he pecked her forehead and said,"thankyou so much, princess" he sprinted towards saanvi.

y/n's breath hitched when he pecked her forehead, she got a glimpsed of past when her dad pecked her forehead giving her reassurance of security.

y/n's eye went on jimin who made that guy ran away from there, he picked saanvi in his arms by her waist and started spinning her around. y/n's lips formed a smile and she went.












its been more then a month since jimin and y/n's interaction, y/n and yeonjun go on small dates, he gives her surprise gifts and she tries her best to give him time.

aruem and jungkook are as always drooling over each others, binita and seokjin are getting closer and stronger. jimin has confessed his feeling which got accepted by saanvi.

y/n and boys, they are getting more powerful together, their bond is much more stronger, y/n is giving her everything just to find him.

y/n got inside her room when she felt a presence in study room as she observed that everyone was in living room then who's here in study room, she questioned as her feet moved.

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