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hello sweethearts!

lets start without any further delay!


y/n started telling each and every moment as she's feeling it again...

FLASHBACK (y/n pov)

as soon as i and aruem walked out of that now so disturbing house, a sigh left my mouth feeling cold breeze hitting my face, aruem looked at me and her question met my ears,"why are they here?". 

i met with her curious gaze,"she getting married to Mr.Min and they are his sons" i saw aruem's gasped face, she inquired,"7 sons?" laughter rang in my ear as i laughed at her question."yes, 7 sons". 

aruem and i was making our way towards garage, a smile was continuously lingering on aruem's face, "what are you thinking and smiling?" i interrogated. her face turned towards me with wide smile on her lips. 

"you know, that day i called you to tell you something into an accident" as these words were heard the atmosphere got heavy cause i can see that person's face in front of my eyes.

but she continued and i was shocked, she said,"i am dating younger one of them, Min Jungkook from last 2 years" my mouth was wide opened, a yell left my mouth,"AND YOU DIDN'T CARE TO TELL ME ONCE?" 

her flinching figure came in my view and that made me exhale a shaky breath to cool down my anger, her words met my ears,"you were busy with work and studies and moreover you weren't over from the sorrow of his and dad's death"

i nodded cause i almost wasn't connecting anyone in those time but she still stood beside me without any complain, i took out car from garage and her standing with a pout figure in front of garage came in my sight.

giggling i down my window and said,"ok sorry and....i guess you accepted that you are loser" she gasped and went towards her car quickly, we grinned looking at each other with challenging look and started our race. 

after race, we went to a cafe and had something good cause i know aruem's taste is good, while coming out her eyes went on a man selling candyfloss, she squealed,"y/n lets have candyfloss!" as soon as i nodded my head she sprint towards it without caring anything. 

i saw aruem turned towards me with 2 candyfloss in her hands, wide smile never leaving her lips and i was happy cause she's is happy, i saw her coming towards me when a car stopped in front of her and few man came and started dragging her towards car

i forgot about world and anything around me, my focus was on aruem who was struggling, she was about to punch a man and i was about to run in her direction but i felt something strong on my head, things in front of me started getting blurred, i looked behind and few men masked up came in my view.

i punched one of them, and kicked on others leg, i saw path cleared in front of me, with trembling legs i went towards aruem and saw her coming towards me, i held her forearm, asking from my eyes weather she is ok or not.

i saw that, one of men pressed a cloth against her mouth covering her nose, i was about to push him but things started getting dizzy, i and aruem fell on ground, her closing eyes came in my view, whereas my eyes were getting heavier too, i saw that candyfloss was now melting on ground. everything blacked out. 
















i opened my eyes when someone splashed water on me, i saw that he, the man who took away dad and him from me standing in front of me, anger rushed inside me, i yelled,"YOU BASTARD!" 

he laughed evilly, he got aside and view came in front of me shivered me up, i saw that aruem was looking at me with crying face, she was tied in rope and hung up in air, there was a translucent cubical box right beneath her. 

i can feel the same fear that i felt when he and dad were in danger 4 years ago, i yelled,"PUT HER DOWN YOU RASCAL!" he again came in front of me and stated with a smirk,"i am elder then you, young lady" 

he said,"could you feel the fear? i saw same fear in your father's eyes 4 years back then" i can get glimpse of past, i said,"y-you have enmity with me so w-why have you d-dragged her in our fight! LEAVE HER!" 

he said,"no, cause i want you to see her death in front of your eyes!" i started shaking my head simultaneously as i started struggling to get out from the tight grip of rope which tied me on chair. 

he signaled someone and i saw that there is fire in that cubical, aruem screamed from heat, he said in my ears from behind,"what if her rope get cut and she falls down in fire?" i shivered and heard aruem's voice,"y/n i have no one in my life except you and it's nothing, i am sure we will meet in next life maybe as sisters"

"n-no aruem!" i pleaded, aruem smiled towards me and her rope cut down, she fell in that cubical where i can't see her anymore but her screams met my ears,"AGHH!! SAVE ME!! AGHHHHH EMMOA!!!! APPPA!!!!" 

soon her scream died and my tears dried, my screams to save her was in vain, fire supply was stopped and the cubical's front got opened and a body brunt badly came rolling near my legs, aruem's face wasn't recognized anymore, i shivered and that burning smell met my nostrils making me want to puke up. 

someone opened me, i went to her and was about to touch her but Jack came there and stopped me, i looked around to find him or his men but no one was there and i again lost him but this time my hatred has been increased more.

Jack brought me back home. 







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