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hello sweethearts!!! now you'll get rapid updates as my exams are over!!!


y/n entered inside, her head aching as she traveled twice in a single day, she entered inside her house in evening, only to witness Taehyung and Seokjin playing video game in living room, jimin dancing with hoseok and namjoon doing some work in laptop.

she ignored it and walked towards stairs, Jimin announced,"y/n came" she turned back only to find them staring at her, she looked at namjoon and then at seokjin and taehyung, she said,"you can do your work in study room, it's attached with my bedroom, here its noisy"

saying this she went in her room, taehyung asked,"did she just gave access to joon hyung to go to her room where study room is attached?" namjoon smirked and said,"look who's in good books"

namjoon stood in front of her room's door, he knocked but no response came so he again tried still no response, he opened door and entered inside only to hear shower sound, he looked here and there, the royal theme this room have, he went near a picture in front of her bed.

its her dad's picture, namjoon can recognize it as they looks similar tears gathered in his eyes as he remembered his own dad, blinking them away he went towards a door in room and opened it.

the black and grey theme of room and there were shelves were books and files has kept, Also a wooden desk where a well setup desktop was placed, there was scent of sandalwood in room calming him. he sat on a couch near desk and started working.







two days flew away like thin air, y/n came in and threw herself on couch in living room, jungkook entered inside and saw y/n sitting on couch, he went and sat next to her maintaining a safe distance between them.

he asked,"your head aching?" she looked at him and nodded, she picked her bag and went in her room, jungkook also went in his room and changed, he came downstairs and made two cups of coffee, he went and stood in front of y/n's room door.

he knocked and in response he heard 'come in',getting inside the room he saw books and papers on her bed and her sitting in between them, she was writing something on her notebook, she had wore a loose oversized T-shirt and shorts, also specs on her eyes.

she lift her eyes and saw jungkook standing there, she asked,"what brings you here?" he said,"i brought coffee for you" she looked in his hands and then at him, y/n said taking cup from him,"you didn't have to do this" 

he asked,"in which university you study?" she replied,"XXX university" he said,"you study in Jimin hyung's university" she nodded her head, she said,"leave from here, i am studying" he nodded his head and turn to leave, he said while closing door,"after this lets play video game"









someone opened the door of y/n's room. y/n was sleeping while a book was in her hand, that person came and took book from her hands, this made her open her eyes, she looked in front of her and said,"binita?"

she asked,"you came?" binita nodded, y/n asked,"you got information?" binita replied,"its in our favor" y/n smirked and said,"let's fix a meeting then" y/n freshed up and came downstairs, she went in dining area, she saw binita sitting there and then y/n also joined her.

Seokjin came with plates in his hands and served both of them, he had an eye contact with binita but he moved his eyes in another direction, y/n started eating and asked,"so are you going in university with me?" 

binita replied,"yes, i am coming with you!" others came down and sat to have meal, hoseok asked,"you're back" binita looked at and then nodded, she said,"i didn't thought you all will be here" 






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